Gardasil Deaths and Injuries caused by Endotoxin
The HPV proteins in Gardasil jabs contain large amounts of Endotoxin. Please help me locate actual measurements of the supertoxin in the vials. Myocarditis is one Fatal outcome.
There are many articles here on Substack covering the tragic damage to Gardasil jabbees, including young girls and boys, many of whom have died.
I won’t try to list them all because some are published in languages I can’t immediately search. So here are just a few of the most immediate interest with a bias toward reports from Australia and those recounting dodgy trial practices, lack of efficacy and symptoms before Death.123456
I was amazed to find no mention at all of Endotoxin in the Product Inserts for Gardasil.
Please help locate any Endotoxin measurements reported, perhaps as discovery in legal cases?
From the Australian Immunization Handbook:
I have found a research paper on measurement of Endotoxin through the various production steps in making one of the HPV proteins that estimated Endotoxin would be about 1.1 EU/50μg of protein. So we can estimate Gardasil 9 would be at least 5 EU/dose.
Here is a document that shows Endotoxin is measured in Gardasil.
But they don’t want anyone to see the result or the “limit”.
Narcolepsy due to Endotoxin
I have previously shown that Narcolepsy with suicidal inclination is an expected outcome of Endotoxin in jabs due to its known impact on Orexin.7
A recent article covered a court decision linking Narcolepsy directly to Gardasil where an expert witness suggested “molecular mimicry” affected Orexin.8
US Law firm lists Symptoms that match Endotoxin
Wisner Baum is curently evaluating Gardasil claims involving the following side effects and injuries many of which lead to Death:
Auto-immune disorders
Chronic fatigue syndromes
Chronic pain syndromes, including Chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Movement disorders
Neurological disorders
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
Reproductive disorders, including premature ovarian failure (POF)
Small fiber neuropathy
All on their list are expected from Endotoxin, as readers of my articles already know.
Interestingly a search of the Wisner Baum website for Endotoxin returned Zero finds, so I have asked them via X, if perhaps measurements have been obtained during Discovery.9
Gardasil reducing Fertility is not surprising
My friend and Deep Data Diver Fabian Spieker investigated VAERS reports with a focus on Hormone levels, producing interesting results.10
I have outlined the devastating impact that Endotoxin has on Female reproductive capacity.1112
May 2024 Update
Lucija Tomljenovic, and Leemon B. McHenry published a paper13 showing how volunteers in the Gardasil clinical trial were duped and given a harmful “placebo” to make the Adverse Events of the actual product appear less devastating.
Their paper is available for free download.
December 2024 Update
An FOI demand to Australia’s Thereapeutic Goods Administration yielded much useful information, including that fact that Endotoxin was measured in their Canberra labs, but as expected neither the Specification Limit or actual measurement results were released.14
The FOI discusses Premature Menopause and Ovarian Failure.
Endotoxin is mentioned 72 times.
February 2025 Update
Maryanne Demasi has reported internal emails that show DNA residues in Gardasil were not investigated by the manufacturer.15
Myocarditis from Gardasil - Endotoxin or DNA ?
In evidence16 in a court case17 regarding a boy, Joel Gomez, who died in his sleep of Autopsy confirmed Myocarditis, expert witness Sin Hang Lee stated in part:
The free DNA molecules of the dying host cells, also referred to as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) bind the aluminum salt adjuvant, and the resulting DNA/aluminum complexes are phagocytized by the antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and macrophages; in vaccination with aluminum adjuvants, the transfected host DNA activates the pathways that would increase their ability to interact productively with antigen-specific CD4 T cells to boost host immune responses. In plain language, free DNA derived from the dying host cells is needed to be carried by aluminum adjuvants into the APCs or macrophages to function as mediators for boosting immune responses in vaccination.
However, the presence of recombinant HPV L1-specific DNA fragments in the vaccine Gardasil® has disrupted this expected normal immunity response platform in vaccination. The HPV DNA molecules, being of a viral origin, are “non-self” microbial products, also referred to as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The human body’s defense system can distinguish the PAMPs from the DAMPs in order to mount an appropriate immune response to either the presence of a pathogen or a tissue damage.
The AAHS nanoparticles which are expected to bind the free host DNA at the site of vaccine injection can also bind the fragments of HPV L1 gene DNA present in the vaccine Gardasil® through a ligand exchange process between the phosphate groups of the DNA molecule and the hydroxyl groups on the aluminum adjuvant surface, similar to a reaction between phospholipids and AAHS in the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. In other words, Gardasil® has been furnished with a set of ready-made instant DNA immune “mediators” already in the adjuvant, in the form of a viral DNA/aluminum chemical compound, specifically an HPV L1 gene DNA/AAHS complex. The downstream events after transfection into the human macrophages of these viral DNA fragments which are rarely found in the human genome are quite different from those after the DNA of the dying host cells is introduced into the macrophages. Despite similarities between DNA molecules, mammalian cells have the remarkable ability to distinguish viral DNA from their own DNA. The human macrophages are able to recognize the HPV L1 gene DNA as a 'stranger' and a 'danger' signal, and in response produce many antiviral immune molecules, collectively referred to as type I interferons and pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Massive systemic production of these type I interferons and pro-inflammatory cytokines induces an antiviral state and protects the host, but it also can contribute to endotoxin lethality and autoimmune diseases [27]. Many of these cytokines are myocardial depressants. The two cytokines that show the greatest cardiovascular effects in animals and humans are tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-1β [29]. Administration of recombinant TNF-α in animal models is known to cause hemodynamic changes and even death.
So we see that Sin Hang Lee mentioned Endotoxin Lethality and Autoimmune Disease.
Sin Hang Lee’s reference 27 was to a 2010 paper by Anna Yarilina and Lionel Ivashkiv who emphasized the Positive Feedback Loop that defeats the notion of “Dose Makes the Poison” and the role of Endotoxin.18
They stated:
The promoter region of the IFN-β gene contains four regulatory cis elements – the positive regulatory domains (PRDs) I, II, III and IV [9]. PRD I and III are the binding sites for IRFs, and PRD II and IV bind NF-κB and AP-1, respectively. After infection of cells with viruses, all of these transcription factors become activated and, together with the high-mobility group protein HMG-I(Y), bind cooperatively to the IFN-β promoter to form an enhanceosome [9]. In the steady state, the transcription start site of the promoter is covered by a nucleosome. Enhanceosome formation recruits histone acetyl transferases to acetylate histones H3 and H4 in the nucleosome, followed by the recruitment of a nucleosome modification complex, which displaces nucleosome and allows IFN-β gene transcription [9]. IRFs are required for the recruitment of chromatin modifiers and nucleosome alteration. TLR-induced IFN production triggers an autocrine loop by binding to its cognate receptor (a heterodimer of IFNAR1 and IFNAR2) and activating the IFN-stimulated gene factor 3 complex (a heterotrimer of STAT1, STAT2 and IRF9), which promotes expression of downstream IFN-induced and STAT-dependent genes [5, 9, 14]. An important function of TLR-induced signaling is the massive systemic production of type I IFNs in order to induce an antiviral state and protect the host, but it can also contribute to endotoxin lethality and autoimmune diseases [15, 16].
Sin Hang Lee’s reference 29 was to a 2012 paper by Constantino Fernandes Jr and Murillo de Assuncao.19 They provide many references to Endotoxin Induced Myocarditis, but don’t list the definitive work of Wong published in 2003 that I have mentioned in my June 2023 article.20
See also my friend Dr Bine article21 from September 2024.
Trial Delayed until September - Jury Dismissed
See the Defender article22 and Maryanne Demasi latest.23
Looking forward to comments and contributions.
Narcolepsy after Pfizer mRNA Jabs
Brenda Baletti. 4 October 2023. Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine Caused Teen’s Narcolepsy, Federal Vaccine Court Rules.
Women suffer more from Pfizer Endotoxin
Repeated Jabbing of Women with mRNA Endotoxin will reduce their Egg Supply
Lucija Tomljenovica, and Leemon B. McHenry. 2024. A reactogenic “placebo” and the ethics of informed consent in Gardasil HPV vaccine clinical trials: A case study from Denmark.
TGA. FOI 5276. 29 July 2024. Released 17 Ooctober 2024. Free download.
Sin Hang Lee. 2015. EXPERT REPORT in the Matter of Gomez v. United States Department of Health.
Yarilina A, Ivashkiv LB. 2010. Type I interferon: a new player in TNF signaling. Curr Dir Autoimmun. 11:94-104
Fernandes CJ Jr, de Assuncao MS. Myocardial dysfunction in sepsis: a large, unsolved puzzle. Crit Care Res Pract. 2012;2012:896430
a few links below to add to your collection Geoff. I am certain I read about a group of girls in Belgium being affected by the HPV jab, from memory it was something around 20 of them. But I can't find it at the moment.
A young person I know well had one dose of Gardisil and then a few hours later had an asthma atack. It took several phone calls and some effort to stop them giving the second shot. A request was made to the GP to log it on yellow card system but I doubt it was.
In my view it’s all part of the same deal as COVID vaccinations, an attempt to put an end to human fertility in a misguided and criminal attempt to reduce human population. In fact considering everything this seems to have been a thing for a while and probably explains all vaccinations. Jenner supposedly invented it but Lady Montagu bought the idea back from Istanbul which of course was once Constantinople the last capital of the Roman Empire and a capital for as long as Rome was the capital. So it’s perfectly likely a Roman idea but how it was implemented before needles I have no idea. Pasteur was also part of it and left a confession of maliciousness and a motivation of riches to his family telling them never to release it.
Time to put a stop to it.