The HPV proteins in Gardasil jabs contain large amounts of Endotoxin. Please help me locate actual measurements of the supertoxin in the vials. Myocarditis is one Fatal outcome.
a few links below to add to your collection Geoff. I am certain I read about a group of girls in Belgium being affected by the HPV jab, from memory it was something around 20 of them. But I can't find it at the moment.
A young person I know well had one dose of Gardisil and then a few hours later had an asthma atack. It took several phone calls and some effort to stop them giving the second shot. A request was made to the GP to log it on yellow card system but I doubt it was.
In my view it’s all part of the same deal as COVID vaccinations, an attempt to put an end to human fertility in a misguided and criminal attempt to reduce human population. In fact considering everything this seems to have been a thing for a while and probably explains all vaccinations. Jenner supposedly invented it but Lady Montagu bought the idea back from Istanbul which of course was once Constantinople the last capital of the Roman Empire and a capital for as long as Rome was the capital. So it’s perfectly likely a Roman idea but how it was implemented before needles I have no idea. Pasteur was also part of it and left a confession of maliciousness and a motivation of riches to his family telling them never to release it.
Our civilisation is built on the back of the siege of Athens where disease (more likely hunger et al) was supposedly everywhere. Our religions, Abrahamic, stem from that siege.
a few links below to add to your collection Geoff. I am certain I read about a group of girls in Belgium being affected by the HPV jab, from memory it was something around 20 of them. But I can't find it at the moment.
A young person I know well had one dose of Gardisil and then a few hours later had an asthma atack. It took several phone calls and some effort to stop them giving the second shot. A request was made to the GP to log it on yellow card system but I doubt it was.
I just asked The Carlson Law Firm for Endotoxin measurements in Gardasil. That seems to have thrown their message system into a spin!
Thanks very much Shirley.
In my view it’s all part of the same deal as COVID vaccinations, an attempt to put an end to human fertility in a misguided and criminal attempt to reduce human population. In fact considering everything this seems to have been a thing for a while and probably explains all vaccinations. Jenner supposedly invented it but Lady Montagu bought the idea back from Istanbul which of course was once Constantinople the last capital of the Roman Empire and a capital for as long as Rome was the capital. So it’s perfectly likely a Roman idea but how it was implemented before needles I have no idea. Pasteur was also part of it and left a confession of maliciousness and a motivation of riches to his family telling them never to release it.
Time to put a stop to it.
Our civilisation is built on the back of the siege of Athens where disease (more likely hunger et al) was supposedly everywhere. Our religions, Abrahamic, stem from that siege.
Don't forget catapulting infected carcasses during the siege