53 years since Endotoxin and Lipid A were shown to be more toxic than dsRNA
Maria Gutschi will attend the RiboClub Annual Meeting to discuss RNA, with Moderna and other Jab fanciers. Recently she asked me about dsRNA as distinct from dsDNA.
In 1971 Endotoxin and its Lipid A were shown to be more toxic than dsRNA on a weight for weight basis, as shown in this figure.1
Your poisoned Macrophages attack and destroy your other cells.
In this case the growth inhibition of Lymphoma SL2 originated spontaneously in a DBA/2 male mouse in 1969 in UK at the Chester Beatty Research Institute, Institute of Cancer Research, Clifton Avenue, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey under the leadership of Dr Anneliese Wolf.2
Note in the Figure that hollow circle Lipid A consistently outperforms the other agents, and that is why Pfizer stipulates that it is their preferred “adjuvant” and make no attempt to remove it from their bacterial brews of Covid19 Jabs.3
2.5 Nanogram Lipid A per ml remained statitistically significant when all 3 other toxins dropped out of the race.
Alexander and Evans also used PolyI:PolyC in their work, however I have shown that is often contaminated with Endotoxin.4
Maria’s Husband puts up the $$
It is a great idea to enter the Lion’s Den and Maria is to be congratulated for having her poster submission accepted for all at the conference to see.5
The conference lead sponsor is Moderna. Please click to expand.

Maria Gutschi’s poster includes a section on Lipid Contamination which she knows was Endotoxin in the case of Moderna Covid19 Jabs.6
Double Stranded RNA (dsRNA) Toxicity
I first wrote about Lot EJ0553 here on Substack in January 2023 while I was suspended from Twitter and showed that it contained residual template DNA and dsRNA contamination from the bacterial production.78
As part of the decades long plan to produce mRNA jabs, Katalin Karikó of BioNTech and Pfizer fame studied how the Human body responds to foreign dsRNA and mRNA and they deliberately targeted Toll-Like Receptor 3 (TLR3) in Dendritic cells in 2004.
Note that in the hands of the Pfizer BioNTech jab developer, Endotoxin from Escherichia coli 055:B5 (purchased from Sigma) was at least 10 times more toxic weight for weight than the dsRNA, confirming the work of Alexander and Evans 33 years earlier.
RNA polymerase III plays an essential role in detecting foreign DNA (non-self nucleic acids) which transcribes the dsDNA into double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) containing a 5′-triphosphate moiety that causes the devastating toxic consequences.9
RIG-I/MAVS recognizes dsRNA species, as shown in figures.10
Pfizer knew how to remove Double Stranded RNA Contaminants in 2011 but didn't do it for Covid19.11
Former Head of TGA and his Moderna friends are currently worried about dsRNA.12
I hope that everyone who reads Maria’s poster mentions the dsRNA.
Maria deleted reference to Patrick Provost13, so I can understand why I am not mentioned in her poster. He is an expert in E. coli Outer Membrane Vesicles and their Very Small mRNAs and uses Endotoxin in his experiments as a control.14
Patrick Provost is also an expert in miR-155 that causes Endotoxin Induced Myocarditis, Liver Failure15 and other diseases.1617
He suffered Myocarditis and other effects after his first Jab.
Other members of the Provost family in Canada and France have also published valuable Endotoxin research.18
Hope we can read Maria’s poster in high resolution after her presentation.
What will she be told about Frameshfting19 over dinner?
P Alexander and R. Evans. 1971. Endotoxin and Double Stranded RNA render Macrophages Cytoxic. Nature New Biology. 232:76-78.
ANNELIESE WOLF, RITA K. BARFOOT AND R. A. JOHNSON. 1972. Xenogeneic Recognition of Tumour Specific Plasma Membrane Antigens Derived from Mouse Lymphoma Cells. Immunology, 22:485-491.
Lipid A in Jabs, the Supertoxin they won't report
Pfizer Process 2 Poojab Lot EJ0553
Septic Shock induced by Plasmid dsDNA and Truncated mRNA has common Sensing Mechanism to Endotoxin in mRNA Jabs
Pfizer knew how to remove Double Stranded RNA Contaminants in 2011 but didn't do it for Covid19
Idrissa Diallo, Jeffrey Ho, Marine Lambert, Abderrahim Benmoussa, Zeinab Husseini, David Lalaouna, Eric Masse, Patrick Provost. 2022. A tRNA-derived fragment present in E. coli OMVs regulates host cell gene expression and proliferation. PLoS Pathog 18(9): e1010827
Myriam Vaillancourt, Audrey Hubert, Caroline Subra, Julien Boucher, Wilfried Wenceslas Bazié, Julien Vitry, Sofiane Berrazouane, Jean-Pierre Routy, Sylvie Trottier, Cécile Tremblay, Mohammad-Ali Jenabian, Abderrahim Benmoussa, Patrick Provost, Philippe A. Tessier and Caroline Gilbert. 2021. Velocity Gradient Separation Reveals a New Extracellular Vesicle Population Enriched in miR-155 and Mitochondrial DNA. Pathogens. 10:526.
His forst jab. Is that a new word? Or typo?