When the Cat's away, the Mice will play! Children's Health Defense California Hijacked by Big Pharma
Robert F Kennedy Jr. is Founder and Chairman on Leave of The Children’s Health Defense California Chapter. In his absence Big Pharma Drug Retailers have joined the Advisory Council.
I think that the USA and indeed the entire World would be a better place if lawyer, author and environmental activist Robert F Kennedy Jr. beats the odds and becomes a reformist President above the Two-Party System.
Current polling is showing an extraordinary surge in votes for him and both Democrats and Republicans are worried about the effect on their numbers.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. is Founder and Chairman on Leave of The Children’s Health Defense California Chapter (CHD).
CHD is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the stated aim:
Our mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable and establish safeguards to prevent future harm. We fight corruption, mass surveillance and censorship that put profits before people as well as advocate for worldwide rights to health freedom and bodily autonomy.
I am sad to see Big Pharma Drug Retailers Peter McCullough of The Wellness Company and his close associate John Leake are on the Advisory Board of CHD.
They work together to market The Wellness Company (TWC) Medical Emergency and Contagion Kits that contain numerous harmful drugs at US$300 per person as previously described.1234
I hope Robert F Kennedy Jr. and his campaign team rethink his association with Big Pharma retailers and in particular developers of new supertoxic Bacterial Jabs, Qu Biologics, that could be described as one of the sister companies of TWC.5
I would like the Australian Chapter of Children’s Health Defense, (should be spelled Defence to meet Australian english norms and be found in search engines) to state its position on the Drugs and Jabs issues mentioned here.6
I sure hope Kennedy notices this and corrects this terrible error. McCullough is no longer to be trusted, although he still was in the latest round table with many others at the Sen. Johnson meeting. It is very hard to distinguish between the true doctors and the ones, that have happily jumped back on the pharma wagon soon as water calmed! Thank you for reporting.
What does the US CHD group say about the pharma influence and products indirectly inked to their organisation??