EDTA Chelation destroys your ability to Detox Endotoxin circulating in your blood
Molecular level understanding aided by Synchrotron x-ray structure determination of your AOAH enzyme was published in 2018.
Lovely picture tells the story of Gorelik and coworkers clever approach by determining the structure of AcylOxyAcyl Hydrolase (AOAH), one of your enzymes that removes secondary (acyloxyacyl-linked) fatty acids from Endotoxin (LPS), rendering it immunologically inert.1
If you are healthy and don’t have a Leaky Gut, the small constant infiltration of Endotoxin is mopped up. But if you are jabbed with Endotoxin, overdo strenuous exercise, climb mountains or use a sauna you will suffer immediate Gut Damage by increasing Endotoxin infiltration, measurable by induced Catecholamines.2
Remember that Peter A McCullough wrote about often fatal Pheidippides (Phidippides) Cardiomyopathy as a result, in his 2012 paper.
Fig. 1. AOAH structure and substrate.
(A) Domain organization of AOAH. The native proteolytic processing site is marked by a red triangle. Catalytic triad residues are represented by pink circles. α6, amphipathic helix; ext, saposin domain extension; PP, propeptide; SP, signal peptide.
(B) Mature AOAH is composed of a small subunit containing a saposin domain (red) with an extension (orange) and a large subunit comprising an esterase domain (green), a calcium-binding region (dark blue), and an amphipathic helix α6 (cyan). The native proteolytic processing site is indicated by scissors, and a segment not visible in the structure is represented by a gray dashed line.
The N and C termini are labeled (the propeptide is not visible in the structure). N-linked glycans (white sticks) are simplified for clarity. Calcium ions (yellow spheres) and disulfide bonds (yellow sticks) are displayed, including the interdomain bridge as thicker sticks.
Catalytic triad residues are shown as pink sticks.
(C) Chemical structure of E. coli Endotoxin (LPS), with positions on the diglucosamine backbone of lipid A indicated in red.
Secondary (acyloxyacyl) chains are in blue, with the bonds hydrolyzed by AOAH marked by blue arrows.
EDTA Poisons your AOAH
Readers will recall the evil conspiracy of liars3 4 claiming that Graphene Oxide was in Covid19 Jabs and that you could “detox” by opening your veins to injection of Calcium chelator EDTA for their profit.5
Recall that EDTA is present in some Covid19 Jabs causing Death.6
Gorelik et al. made a surprise discovery of the importance of Calcium in stabilization of your AOAH and by adding EDTA were able to inhibit its life-saving Endotoxin Detox action.
I will add more AOAH references later but thought the Gorelik et al. paper might create interest if you have not seen mention of it before.
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Alexei Gorelik, Katalin Illes, and Bhushan Nagara. 2018. Crystal structure of the mammalian lipopolysaccharide detoxifier. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1719834115
Hi Geoff, would topically be safe?