Iatrogenesis becoming more and more apparent. Great research. Thanks.....I think 😄

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HPV and Hepatitis A and B vaccines have unusual signals for immediate association with autoimmune diseases like POTS for HPV, lupus for all, plus several other neurological autoimmune diseases. They all share aluminum adjuvant (which is well known for neurotoxicity). Macrophages in mice carry injected aluminum past the blood brain barrier. Why is the signal for POTS with HPV so high???

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If you could find the full ingredients lists for other jabs, I will take a look. Endotoxin in HPV jab Cervarix accounts for all observed Adverse Events.

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How does the endotoxin induce POTS, lupus, etc.? And why doesn't it cause POTS for other contaminated vaccines?

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Here is Lupus and other Autoimmune Disease caused by Endotoxin


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Pfizer lists 306 cases of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

1,628 cases of Dizziness postural

13,698 cases of Vertigo

650 cases of "Positional Vertigo"

34 cases of Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness

23 cases of Vertigo labyrinthine

17 cases of "Phobic postural vertigo"

6 cases of Cervicogenic vertigo

8 cases of Vertigo CNS origin


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POTS is subject to various deifinitions and synonyms.

Same with Anaphylaxis


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Amazing info, as always!

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Is Cervarix still on the market in the US? In Ireland the authorities use Gardasil, for boys and girls, through the school system.

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Googling returned "Since 2016, Cervarix is no longer available in the U.S. However, Cervarix is available in China, Europe, the Netherlands, and the U.K. On July 26, 2023, GSK reported Cervarix sales increased in Q223 in International and Europe, reflecting higher demand and timing of deliveries." I will delve for detail.

In Australia Cervavix currently "is only on the private market"

Please let me know if other Substack authors have provided recent updates.

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Luckily in China most vaccines are at demand. In schools children are vaccinated only if parents return a signed paper of acceptance. My son attended a public school and I so much appreciated it. I hope things didn’t change…

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Thanks. I will. Yours is the only substack I've seen on it

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