Autism is Caused by Endotoxin in Jabs
Deliberate causation of Autism is routine using non-human Primates hit with 0.000000004 gram per kilogram bodyweight Endotoxin late in pregnancy
As I have mentioned before, Rodents are not suitable for testing the effects of Endotoxin in Jabs.1 I note Senator Malcolm Roberts politely calls them Injections when asking carefully crafted Questions in Public Hearings.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is the result of Foetal exposure to Neurotoxins including Aluminium2, Fluoride3, Glyphosate and Lead.
Today I focus on Autism which the US Government recognizes4 among a host of harms caused by Endotoxin and its most toxic component Lipid A5, injected into Pregnant Primates.
Here is a picture of a Green Monkey and its child, commonly used in animal experiments, as are Macaques.6
Pfizer reported 17 cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder from their Covid19 jabs to June 2022.7
Pfizer and BioNTech conducted Covid19 Jabbing experiments on Rhesus Macaques but does not want anyone to know how much Endotoxin the unfortunate animals were made to suffer.
Willette and coworkers8 performed an elegant study using 9 Pregnant female Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) hit with 2 nanogram and 4 nanogram per kilogram body weight concentrations of Endotoxin (LipoPolySaccharide, LPS) on two consecutive days, six weeks before term, and their offspring were compared to 9 control animals.
Infants from the Endotoxin pregnancies were “more behaviorally disturbed, including a failure to show a normal attenuation of startle responses on tests of prepulse inhibition.”
They measured the effects on the Brains of the offspring at 1 year of age using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and found a significant 8.8% increase in global white matter volume distributed across many cortical regions compared to controls.
This is routinely found in Humans suffering Autism.910
Computer studies of Endotoxin Lipid A and Autism
Very interesting paper on data mining from Korea linking various types of Endotoxin Lipid A in the Gut Microbiome to Autism.11
See my earlier article on how Jabs in the arm open the Gut to a flood of Endotoxin.12
One wonders why Peter McCullough (who recently blocked journalist Liam Sturgess on X13) and co-authors including Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose don’t want to mention Endotoxin in their publications on Covid19 Jab Harms.14
Reached email length limit, so might add more later.
Peter Hotez promotes Endotoxin and Neurotoxic Aluminium in Jabs
Geoff Pain. 2017.
Lipid A in Jabs, the Supertoxin they won't report
Salguero FJ et al. 2021. Comparison of rhesus and cynomolgus macaques as an infection model for COVID-19.
Birth Defects reported by Pfizer
Auriel A. Willette, Gabriele R. Lubach, Rebecca C. Knickmeyer, Sarah J. Short, Martin Styner, John H. Gilmore, and Christopher L. Coe. Brain enlargement and increased behavioral and cytokine reactivity in infant monkeys following acute prenatal Endotoxemia.
Ohta H et al. White matter alterations in autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in relation to sensory profile. 2020.
Freitag CM et al. 2009. Total Brain Volume and Corpus Callosum Size in Medication-Naïve Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Maigoro, Abdulkadir Yusif, and Soojin Lee. 2021. Gut Microbiome-Based Analysis of Lipid A Biosynthesis in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An In Silico Evaluation.