Conformal White Fibrin "Clots" are caused by Endotoxin in Jabs
Some Embalmers report increased "rubbery" White material that they extract from major arteries and veins of Dead people. Nomenclature and Fibrin deposition cascades point to Endotoxin as the trigger.
I have previously pointed to Endotoxin induced Fibrosis, i.e. deposition of Fibrin in the Heart1 and Pericarditis that results in insoluble White Fibrin on the surface of the Heart.2
Here I will argue that material pulled from veins and arteries of Jabbees is essentially the same, with expected Platelet incorporation.
I have briefly covered the complex Fibrin deposition cascade caused in the Shwartzman reaction of Endothelial Endotoxin damage.3
For balance, I recommend a paper by a professional Embalmer that covers much useful terminology used in his chosen profession.4 He reminds us that we must distinguish between Antemortem and Postmortem Thrombus development of the White Material.
This important subject is covered in a recent paper by Krywanczyk and coworkers who found that “lines of Zahn” are thick bands of Nested Platelets wrapped in Fibrin were nearly exclusive to Antemortem Thrombus (AMT).5 AMTs are often described grossly as pale tan to dark red.
Diffuse Neutrophil Karyorrhexis is also common in AMT.
Krywanczyk et al. used CD61, also known as Integrin Subunit Beta 3 (ITGB3) staining in their studies. This marker is increased by Endotoxin.6
Of current interest is “Chicken Fat” Thrombi that some would describe as White. Note this material can include layering yielding a red appearance from the other side as shown in their Figure 3A.
Fibrin and Platelets Combination Deposition
A useful paper from 2005 shows how Platelets and Fibrin can combine to make insoluble structures as shown in this figure.7
Here the acronyms are PAR = Protease-Activated Receptor, TF/VIIa/Xa = Tissue Factor/Factor VIIa and/or Xa complex.
In previous articles I have shown that Pfizer knew all about massive Platelet aggregation caused by its Covid19 jabs in July 2021.8
I also showed that the madness of EDTA intravenous injections being marketed by the Fear Campaign of the Fifth Column, produces massive clotting Deaths.9
Endotoxin Clotting in Human volunteers
Important paper from 1999 showed the effect of jabbing Endotoxin (4 ng/kg IV) in healthy Human volunteers.10 It doubled circulating TF+ monocytes, decreased FVIIa levels, induced Thrombin, increased plasma levels of circulating polymerized, but not cross-linked, Fibrin (ie, thrombus precursor protein) Soluble Fibrin unaffected.
Important paper11 from 2000 showed Endotoxin induced Nuclear Factor-κB translocation to Promoter region of the Gene encoding for Tissue Factor in Mononuclear leukocytes from Healthy Human volunteers was decreased by Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
Why there is more Rubbery White after LNP Jabs
Watching videos with embalmers reporting their findings, I rarely hear them identifying which Jab the poor victim suffered before an untimely Death.
It appears that Pfizer and Moderna are associated with more of these cases than AstraZeneca. Please correct me if I am wrong.
The explanation I propose is due to the fact that the LNPs carry Endotoxin inside the cells12, activating the cytosol NLRP11 pattern recognition receptor for Endotoxin.
NLRP11 is present in Humans and other Primates, but absent in Mice, explaining why it has been missed in screens looking for innate immune signaling molecules, most of which have been carried out in mice.13
We know that this pathway will lead to Coagulation with Insoluble14 Fibrin deposition as shown in the graphical abstract of Xinyu Yang and coworkers. This paper also comes with some excellent videos showing Thrombin and Fibrin formation in time lapse microscopy.
Note that in Humans, Caspase 11 is replaced by cytosol Caspases 4 and 5.
Femtograms of Endotoxin cause Amyloid Clots
March 4 update. Thanks to Philip McMillan latest article15 on the Clots confirming they are formed Antemortem, I was prompted to renew the chase for evidence that they contain Amyloid.16
I had heard reference to South African scientist Etheresia Pretorius and her coworkers and have now found their magnificent paper from 2016 that shows how One Molecule of Endotoxin triggers clotting of 100,000,000 Fibrin molecules and that they are indeed Amyloid.1718
Quoting parts of the Abstract:
Here, we show that the addition of tiny concentrations (0.2 ng l−1) of bacterial LPS to both whole blood and platelet-poor plasma of normal, healthy donors leads to marked changes in the nature of the fibrin fibres so formed, as observed by ultrastructural and fluorescence microscopy (the latter implying that the fibrin is actually in an amyloid β-sheet-rich form that on stoichiometric grounds must occur autocatalytically).
Finally, we show that these changes in fibre structure are mirrored when the experiment is done simply with purified fibrinogen and thrombin (±0.2 ng l−1 LPS). This ratio of concentrations of LPS : fibrinogen in vivo represents a molecular amplification by the LPS of more than 108-fold, a number that is probably unparalleled in biology.
Here is their Figure 3.
Pretorius demonstrated that the amount of Endotoxin required for the observed clotting was in the range of Femtogram19 per cell.
In 2022 Pretorius group published a paper20 on Clots found in Long Covid and their description as “spaghetti-like fibres” or “fibrinaloids”
in some cases these spaghetti-like structures with pores are absent. We initially characterized this phenomenon, observed in the electron microscope, as ‘dense matted deposits
They further noted:
While we do not yet know the details of the mechanical properties of the fibrin amyloid microclots, it is known that amyloid fibrils can typically exhibit unusually high mechanical strength and resistance to deformation (e.g. [174–177]. The stiffness also increases with the thickness of the fibres [178]. This implies strongly that the fibrinaloids are likely to be more prone to ‘getting stuck’ in capillaries.
Femtogram quantities of Endotoxin cause “rubbery clots” in Jabbees and most likely unjabbed victims of Covid19 infection.
Thanks to Mike Zimmer for sharing video interviews by Dr John Campbell with embalmer Richard Hirschman.2122
19 July 2024 Update Hirschman Clot Analysis
On 12 June 2024 I saw that embalmer Richard Hirschman published the first proper protein analysis of a clot pulled from one of his clients.
Heart Fibrosis caused by Endotoxin
Pericarditis Deaths after Covid19 Jabs
Benjamin Schmidt. A clot too far: An embalmer dissects antivax misinformation about blood clots in Died Suddenly.
Alison R. Krywanczyk, Carmela D. Tan and E. Rene Rodriguez. 2023. Histologic and Immunohistochemical Features of Antemortem Thrombus Compared to Postmortem Clot: Updating the Definition of Lines of Zahn.
CTD. CD61.
Shaun R. Coughlin. 2005. Protease-activated receptors in hemostasis, thrombosis and vascular biology. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 3: 1800–1814
EDTA in AstraZeneca Kills via VITT
T. Pernerstorfer, P. Stohlawetz, U. Hollenstein, L. Dzirlo, H.-G. Eichler, S. Kapiotis, B. Jilma and W. Speiser. 1999. Endotoxin-Induced Activation of the Coagulation Cascade in Humans Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid and Acetaminophen.
Emanuela Napoleone, Angelomaria Di Santo, Marina Camera, Elena Tremoli and Roberto Lorenzet. 2000. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Downregulate Tissue Factor Synthesis in Monocytes.
Maricarmen Rojas-Lopez, Amanda S. Zajac, Thomas E. Wood, Kelly A. Miller, María Luisa Gil-Marqués, Austin C. Hachey, Vritti Kharbanda, Keith T. Egger and Marcia B. Goldberg. 2022. Pattern Recognition Receptor for Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide in the Cytosol of Human Macrophages.
Xinyu Yang, Xiaoye Cheng, Yiting Tang, Xianhui Qiu, Yupeng Wang, Haixia Kang, Jianfeng Wu, Zhongtai Wang, Yukun Liu, Fangping Chen, Xianzhong Xiao, Nigel Mackman, Timothy R. Billiar, Jiahuai Han, and Ben Lu. 2019. Bacterial Endotoxin Activates the Coagulation Cascade through Gasdermin D-Dependent Phosphatidylserine Exposure.
Etheresia Pretorius, Sthembile Mbotwe, Janette Bester, Christopher J. Robinson and Douglas B. Kell. 2016. Acute induction of anomalous and amyloidogenic blood clotting by molecular amplification of highly substoichiometric levels of bacterial lipopolysaccharide.
Etheresia Pretorius, Sthembile Mbotwe, Janette Bester, Christopher J. Robinson and Douglas B. Kell. 2016. Acute induction of anomalous and amyloidogenic blood clotting by molecular amplification of highly substoichiometric levels of bacterial lipopolysaccharide.
Graphene Oxide, Gold and Organometallic Ferrocene make sensitive Endotoxin Detector
Douglas B. Kell, Gert Jacobus Laubscher and Etheresia Pretorius. 2022. A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications.
Unfortunately Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea is praising EDTA. I think this is the same product that is used in beauty products, and I remember that it was marked thumbs-down (I avoid all letter words and unpronouncable ingredients)
Although I am not a physician, I have learned a lot about strokes as I have handled many cases in practicing medical malpractice law and I have undergone EDTA chelation for metal toxicity. IMHO, it is the gold standard treatment for metal toxicity. It appears the study linking EDTA to stroke was pre-COVID. Based on what I know, if anything, EDTA could reduce the risk of stroke given the potential for cardiac benefits. However, like any medical procedure, chelation has its risks and should be performed by a competent provider and different people require different doses.
Also, imaging for stroke is nuanced. Often, by the time imaging reflects the person is undergoing a stroke, several hours have passed since the stroke began. That is why anyone who goes to the ER with stroke symptoms - provided the facility is acting within the standard of care - will hold the patient and run imaging twice to be on the safe side.
I am unsure of EDTA chelation reversing mRNA injections. However, I am curious what your opinion is on how metal toxicity should be treated - as well as mold - I am suffering from that also! I will say that while chelation brought my lead levels down, they are still high; however, I am taking a break now and focusing on lymphatic massage and binders. A negative about EDTA chelation is it takes good minerals out of the body as well so I needed a break from that.