Urgent: Please remove all reference to "Placebo Lots" alleged to be used in mass Jabbing
A sensational article in Daily Sceptic has has been shared worldwide and must be retracted. It, and a broadcast interview, took published research by Danish researchers out of context.
Update 9 July 2023.
At the request of the lead author of the Danish study, I am editing this article to make it clear that the “Placebo Fantasy”, as I have called it, had nothing to do with the authors of the paper published reporting the apparent discrepancy in Adverse Events reported for Pfizer Covid19 jab Lots used in Denmark [Reference 4, Schmeling et al. 2023]. I apologize for the upset that misinterpretation of my comments here and on Twitter has caused.
So sad that an item published under the pen name “Robert Kogon” in Daily Sceptic1 has been seen, and believed by most to be true, when in fact a little delving could easily have prevented the lie being spread. It is seen here on Substack.
The German scientists mentioned in an interview that some people might suggest that there were millions of Placebo jabs issued in Denmark.
Robert Malone is just one of many who has shared this dangerous Fifth Column supporting rubbish.
To place the problem in context, here is how the jabs were rolled out in Denmark.2
There are 3 main waves of Pfizer jabbing, the first to 20 August 2021 when 6.68 Million doses had been given, the second 14 January 2022 reaching 9.96 Million doses and reaching 12.16 Million by 13 Jan 2023.
Here are the Covid19 Deaths in Denmark.3 By 19 August 2021, Covid19 Deaths were 2,605, rising to 3,408 by 15 January 2022, 6,530 by 12 July 2022 to 8,754 to 17 June 2023.
During this period people will have been dying both “Of Covid” and “With Covid”.
In order to determine Deaths linked strongly to jabs, we would have to exclude people with a positive test for Covid19 at time of death and then look at patterns of symptoms in relation to the jab components.
Confirmed Daily Covid19 Deaths in Denmark will be a confounder in any Jab analysis unless individual Death reports at VAERS are read in detail. Is anyone claiming that Placebo Fantasy Yellow Dot jabbing contributed to this pattern?
3,592 Excess Deaths in Denmark for 2021 were of course mainly Covid19.
The story that has been distorted in media around the world relates to a paper by Danish researchers Max Schmeling, Vibeke Manniche, and Peter Riis Hansen published in March 2023.4
In particular their Figure 1, which shows coloured dots for unidentified Pfizer jab Lots, divided into Blue, Green and Yellow Suspected Adverse Events (SAEs) after BNT612b2 mRNA vaccination in Denmark (27 December 2020 – 11 January 2022) according to the number of doses per vaccine batch.
Schmeling et al. would have found when looking for updates that the Danish governnment changed Pfizer jab reporting in January 2022, referring readers to the European Medicines Agency. As part of the EU, Denmark can approve any jab that has been Released after testing by another member State, accounting for Paul Ehrlich Institute not being under any obligation to test Jab Lots themselves.
Denmark reported 119 Deaths after Jabbing to 21 December 2021 from All Brands. By that time more than 3,800,000 Pfizer Jabs had been given. This page also links to earlier reports.5
There were 132 Deaths reported to VAERS for Blue, Green and Yellow Dot Lots combined extending into 2022 from Denmark.
Subsequently Dr. Gerald Dyker, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Ruhr University Bochum, and Dr. Jörg Matysik, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Leipzig among others have appeared on the Punkt.Preradovic online programme of the German journalist Milena Preradovic to discuss batch variability.
Because the German researchers did not bother to check more recent information from such reliable sources as How Bad Is My Batch6, they have helped spread the crazy story that millions of doses with “Yellow Dots” are Placebo.
So I checked the Yellow Dot Lot numbers and here are the Deaths recorded against them.
FG9019 3 FH3219 6 FH8469 16 FJ3438 3 FJ4187 0 FH3220 9 FM3092 3 FL1072 2 FN3731 7 FK9706 5 FM3802 0 FK0115 5 FN3758 2 FK8911 3 FK9412 0 FM3289 15 FM9088 4 FN5519 3
Here is the display for lot FN5519 from How Bad Is My Batch as an example.
I visited the TGA Batch Release website.7 Yellow Dot Lot FH3219 Pfizer poojab was released in Australia by the TGA on 22 September 2021 "Passed" its Endotoxin and other tests by reference to a lab certificate.
Found a very convenient database of Adverse Reactions in Japan.8 Look at the Symptoms for the 6 Dead for Yellow Dot Lot FH3219 which are what you expect from Endotoxin.
Try searching another great resource page made by Albert Benavides.9 Be sure to watch video at base.
Clear the "All" in the search bar to make it work for your Lot. It is provided by our friend here on Substack.10
This excellent post shows the Expiry Dates of Lots closely follows the Alphanumeric codes.
Here is just part of the output for Yellow Dot Lot FG9019.
Now look at Craig’s website for Lot FG9019 where it is easier to display people who had Covid19 at the time of the VAERS report, and we find the confounder symptoms.
Now, look at our Welcome Eagle site for Denmark’s first chronological Blue Dot Lot, namely EJ6134. Notice that only 10 of its total 98 Deaths were recorded in Denmark and the total of individual cases in all countries was 1,406. The bulk of Adverse reactions were reported by 27 April 2021, when over 2,500 people had died of Covid19,
And from Craig’s website we find over 400 of the individuals of 1,406 total reported to VAERS for Lot EJ6134 had Covid19.
Death after Pfizer Process 2 Yellow Dot poojab Booster Lot FM3092 in Denmark.
A 56-year-old woman suffered Cerebral haemorrhage, Loss of Consciousness
VAERS ID 2282099 Died 12 Feb 2022, six weeks after jab.
Sad case of a 33-year-old Yellow Dot Lot FM 3289 Pfizer Process 2 poojab victim.
He died in Norway 3 weeks after his jab. He suffered Circulatory collapse, Cytokine storm, Drug ineffective, Encephalopathy, Hypotension, Loss of consciousness, SARS-CoV-2 test positive, Vomiting.
A an article discussing weaknesses in the Schmeling et al. study is found in Danish.11 I recommend Google Translate which works very well with that language.
Here is an interesting case from Denmark reported to VAERS.
81-year-old lady had 3 different Pfizer Process 2 poojabs!
ET3674 Green Dot
EX2405 Green Dot
FH8469 Yellow Dot
She Suffered Anxiety, Balance disorder, Decreased appetite, Dizziness, Fatigue, Headache, Loss of consciousness, Memory impairment, Nausea, Pain, Rhinorrhoea
Particulate Contamination
Blue Dot Lots had heavy rejection rates using automatic Particle detectors in the production lines.
Blue Dot Lot EJ6796 has 122 Deaths from 2308 Unique IDs for VAERS reports and 1
Death in Denmark. It was made at Puurs with 0.58% rejection rate. There were 293,828 vials produced. Here is data from VAERSaware for Blue Dot Lot EJ6796.
Blue Dot Lot EJ6797 had 78 Deaths 2148 Unique IDs in VAERS reports with 24 Deaths in Denmark. Covid19 was mentioned in 544 cases. EJ6797 had 0.48% rejection rate with 293,526 vials produced.
Here is data from VAERSaware for Blue Dot Lot EJ6797. Note the age distribution of sufferers is quite different to that of EJ696.
By using multiple sources of public data and logic we can build a more complete picture, so that the 3,913,960 “Placebo jabs Fantasy” which distorts the original Danish research findings, can be conclusively laid to rest.
Please share far and wide so we can regain some sanity.
27 August 2023 Update
Now that we know that AstraZeneca, Janssen, Moderna, Novavax and Pfizer jab Endotoxin LAL measurements are underestimating the amount of the poison in each vial12, it is interesting to see that there are Batches of standard Endotoxin used in human trials.
Researchers in The Netherlands found large variation in the damage done to Humans between 2 Batches of E. coli Type O113:H10:K-negative Endotoxin, as shown in their Figure 1.13
They measured concentrations of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein (MCP)-1α, Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein (MCP)-1β and Monocyte Inflammatory Protein (MIP)-1β.
Paul Ehrlich Institute Releases expected Data
Thanks to Helen14 for alerting us to the latest information on Jabs used in Europe.
Paul Ehrlich Institute responded15 to the paper by Schmeling et al. with a little graphical information that shows Adverse Event reporting is directly a function of number of Pfizer jabs administered, as expected. However they follow the same disappointing procedure of not providing the associated data for each dot. Is it hidden behind this paywall?16
Serious Adverse Events follow the same expected pattern.
Please let me know if you find access to the data that was used to create these graphs.
July 2024 Update
Our friend Albert has updated the Deaths and Severe Adverse Reactions form the “Yellow Dot Lots”.17
September 2024 Update
Our friend Albert has updated the Deaths count from different “coloured dot” lots showing the the expected increasing toll.18
Here is one of his summary Death Shot Lot charts, please focus on Yellow:
November 2024 Update
Alberto continues his deep dive to show that the number of Serious Adverse Events of Pfizer jabs reported by VAERS is a function of time and throttling.19 I do not agree that there have been “Placebo” Lots distributed.
Robert Kogon. 28 June 2023. Pfizer Vaccine Batches in the EU Were Placebos, Say Scientists. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/06/28/pfizer-vaccine-batches-in-the-eu-were-placebos-say-scientists/
Schmeling M, Manniche V and Riis Hansen P. 2023. Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID- 19 vaccine. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eci.13998
FDA detected Endotoxin by Mass Spectrometry
Kiers D, et al. 2019. Comparison of different lots of endotoxin and evaluation of in vivo potency over time in the experimental human endotoxemia model. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1753425918819754
del Saz BS. 2023 Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eci.14050
Just let Toby Young, Editor-in-Chief of Daily Sceptic know what junk he has published via Twitter.
I would like to see the methods and complete results from the TGA lab - not just "passed".