Just let Toby Young, Editor-in-Chief of Daily Sceptic know what junk he has published via Twitter.

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I don't think I would be quite so hasty, Geoff, because as you know, in that TGA document, there were several batches that were specified for Pfizer staff only that were not tested either. as if Pfizer knew they didn't have to be.... So perhaps you should take the issue up with Schmeling first, and ask him what else he knows that you don't.

Also, don't you think that it's possible that some real vials particularly outside Europe, would have been labelled with placebo numbers so that they would have some reactions, just to throw people off the scent? would Pfizer be so stupid as to have 30% appear to be placebos, and be that blatantly obvious? After these three years and given the fines they have paid in the last 10 years, for consistent deception, I wouldn't put any "snow job" past Pfizer, including labelling some "proper" vaccines with placebo labels....

Do you also remember the Slovenia anti-vaccine lady, who stupidly passed herself off as a nurse? She posted a video in July 2021, in which she referred to three different Pfizer vaccines, "1" being placebo, roughly 30%, "2", being mRNA and "3" being mRNA with an oncogene. Sure she got that wrong in that she said that the oncogene was related to the adenovirus. She also said that this applied to the whole of Europe and all politicians got number 1 vials,.

It was debunked everywhere as being lies. These three people are scientists. I think you should discuss it with them before being so sure that there isn't a strong thread to be properly investigated.

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The point is there is absolutely no evidence that 3,913,960 Yellow Dot Doses were Placebo. There is solid proof they all caused Adverse Events.

It is quite absurd to suggest that.

All batches are analyzed.

If you have the Pfizer employee Lot numbers handy, please share them so we can crowd source facts.

I am not interested in weird people making claims, like the one who says that people are made into Magnetic 5G communicating Zombies.

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There is no need to get angry at me. Nor cast those sorts of slurs at me, when, I'm not into "that stuff". I deal with Pubmed and Government websites. Fighting fire with fire is more effective than twisted bunny trails.

If I was able to upload my screenshots and the document, I would, but substack appears to not have that facility.

I pdf'd the document some time back. the batches are further into the website, pages 7, 8 and 9 Here is the URL:


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You got it wrong. I was talking about the unnamed "the Slovenia anti-vaccine lady" you mentioned, not you. Keep up the good work. Have a very good weekend.

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Geoff does not strike me as being angry in his reply.

Logically it is absurd to suggest shots are placebo when we have overwhelming evidence of excess deaths and harms.

Pfizer could have exempted themselves, but it would require evidence of differentials in the batch lots (I.E. we'd need to see the ingredients of one of their vials). I'm not sure Pfizer will be willing to share that information.

Remember, Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, refused to get his own company's shot, which implies not even their own companies' shots are safe:


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They have redacted levels of endotoxins and they skipped the expensive purification process. Cover up is massive.

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I would expect placebos being used at some time probably in the beginning and the arguments are good as well that with so many adverse events how could you have placebos. Remember also they had to push the 3rd dose for the investors therefore cover up of adverse events was necessary and the Canadian government was caught in cover up of vaccine injuries long before the mandates came and the 3rd dose.

A french politician injured by these vaccines said Macron and the other leaders did not get the real stuff. Placebos. A online podcaster was threatened to remove a podcast regarding the injuries to the 12 to 17 yr olds by these vaccines as seen in the vaccine study trials for them and they said they are not taking these vaccines either but Biden had to get 70% vaccinated by July 4th 2021. I think we know the answer whether world leaders took these shots.

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It’s not junk. One term is inappropriately used. A term which most people cannot define.

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I agree mistakes get made in terminology at one time or another but that doesnt detract from the main focus of these gene therapy garbage shots. They are garbage causing injuries and death never seen before from a vaccine. Take for instance 2 young social media influencers attending Western University in Ontario Canada, They had a vaccine mandate and these 2 young people 20 and 21 years of age I believe died and the young girl said in her instagram she got myocarditis afrom the covid vaccines. Yiu wouldnt believe how fast Western U dropped their vaccine mandate. .

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The governments are trying to use terminology to wriggle out of intent to harm with vaccine mandates. They said it wasnt compulsory. Well thats dandy as mandatory as in mandates is supposed to be a regulation or law and carries more weight then compulsory and there was no law just criminal coercion using consequences to force it on people. So the governments are caught.

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I would like to see the methods and complete results from the TGA lab - not just "passed".

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Yes, I am hoping there is a Royal Commission in Australia. Meanwhile we are hoping a group of Senators in Australia will get the full story and data released.

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Exactly the main point of the Danish study: getting the data for further research. Worldwide people are forced to work with crippled and incomplete data. I think that various interpretations of that Danish study are laying too much emphasis on 'placebo or not'. The problem is far more serious: hidden data in general. Which means: NOT science.

Other point: you distracted the registered Covid deaths to find excess mortality. Is the registration really that reliable?

If we (in the Netherlands) distract the registered Covid deaths, we end up with undermortality. Furthermore, we saw that the ratio of 'deaths BY Covid' vs 'deaths WITH Covid' changed dramatically through the years of the pandemic. More and more WITH Covid.

I think at the moment our total registered Covid-mortality is about 15% "BY Covid". The rest? Unknown cause. A short explanation of that method is here (auto-translated from Dutch I'm afraid) https://virusvaria.nl/en/voorspellen-van-vaccinatiesterfte-een-eerste-model/

The model is tweaked in the meantime but the basics are explained here.

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Ehh, I don't want be rude, but I thought the real meaning for insiders or curious people of the word 'Royal' is worse than the meaning of all following words taken together...: 'deception' 'treat' 'dangerous' 'stupid' 'evil' 'fraud' 'stealing from the poor''keeping bad things going'

But It would be really nice to be wrong;-)

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Australia is ruled by my cousin King Charles.

Executive power of the King is exercised by the unelected Governor General.

All Australian States exist only because of acts of British Parliament.

Sick isn't it.

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your cousin?

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Yes, I am a genealogy addict.

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Fat chance.

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I have just been informed that a Senator will being demanding more answers in the next session, so watch for fireworks.

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Hopefully such demands get some honesty but... the biggest sickness exposed these last 3 yrs was corruption and narcissism so time will tell.

Given McKernan's latest findings with the DNA in them, perhaps some batches were heavily contaminated and others weren't.

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Every Lot of mRNA jab contains Endotoxin from the E. coli bacteria used in production and the amount which is measured in each is closely guarded secret that I an numerous others want made available for the world to see. It is by the far the most Lethal component with techniques available to measure Femtograms/ml

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The time is telling us now, but almost nobody is able to hear the bad news because it has been very bad news for ages, and only a few of us know this bad news is crossing all borders of our freedom we cannot be ourselves no more without.

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Hi - I find your article wrong and defaming! Let me make it very clear - it is NOT a Danish fantasy - it is Danish science. We have NOT argued about any placebo. At all! So keep focus on the article and What we have written. Whatever other scientists and laypeople May Think - that’s up to Them. But Your article are misleading since the idea of placebo is nothing we have argued either in the article or publicly. I look forward to reading your Peer-reviwed publication about the matter - and any Scientific discussion are very welcome. We need all the science we Can get - so please let me know when your Peer-reviewed publication is out. But until then please keep eyes on the article and what we wrote and please Update your article according to facts. All discussions are welcome - but they should and must be based on facts. Best regards Vibeke Manniche, MD, PhD

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Dear Vibeke, I have edited the article and published an apology via the Substack Notes.

I hope you find that satisfactory.

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Dear Vibeke, I will edit the article to make it absolutely clear that you and your co-authors did not suggest the Placebo Fantasy, it was provoked by German scientists who did a broadcast interview and the sensational headline used by Robert Kogon. I apologize for the ambiguity you and others have seen.

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Jessica Rose has looked at the figures & charts re the “placebos” & is inclined to agree with you.

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Thank you for your important comments. I am trying to verify this one way or the other and have a couple of questions if you are able to answer:

1. I am unable to find any results on the TGA site that I came up with. Can you guide me to your source for searching for TGA tested batches?

2. I went through every Blue and every Yellow batch and have numbers for each. Certainly the blue batches have significantly more deaths per batch than the yellow, but yellow is by no means zero. Blue deaths are: 119, 73, 234, 51, 94, 142, 99, 52, 105. These compare to yellows at 3, 0, 16, 3, 0, 9, 3, 2, 7, 5, 0, 5, 2, 3, 0, 15, 3, and 4.

Importantly one would need to know the denominator to know if the death rates are meaningful or not. The article that was the source for this controversy has a graph that suggests that the total doses from the blue batches were significantly lower than from the yellow, hence these death differences are magnified. Many of the yellow batches were given in the hundreds of thousands of doses, while the blues were given in the tens of thousands. This would suggest the accuracy of the claim even if the yellows have some AEs (background rate?).

Thank you for your interest in getting at the truth ... whatever it may be.

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TGA search page for Batch Release is here. I only found one of the Lots in question released in Australia.


If you look at Blue Dot Lots, notice the huge number of Covid19 cases, Vaccine Failure etc.

Each Death record needs to have its entire text read to determine cause of Death.

One very hard working man has accessed US individual Death Certificates and compared them with VAERS by matching Death Dates.

See https://twitter.com/JohnBeaudoinSr


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I was suspicious that this was going to turn out to be nonsense.

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Australia's health minister at the time, Greg Hunt, went on television as the va$$ine was being rolled out and declared adverse events and efficacy were still being monitored as we participate in 'the world's largest clinical trial'. That comment has come back to bite him - and those who argue the full and complete trial was undertaken prior to public release - in the bum. Hard.

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All trials have a "post-marketing phase" that many have written about. I am most concerned about the ongoing Teratology trial that I have covered elsewhere.

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Thanks. Also need to consider age-dependent rollout:


Could in large part just be an artefact of old people going first.

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Thanks very much. So much data to mine, so much Fake News to expose.

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Excellent intuition and sense of smell.

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That danish letter misrepresents the data.

Reports should be split into breakthrough infections and other AE‘s.

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As you know much of VAERS and other reporting systems are dealt with by Artificial Intelligence, which is not very bright.

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Btw if you look at the Danish COVID mortality, you'll see there is one huge spike.

I'm not even saying this spike is not caused by vaccinations. I haven't looked at the Danish data and even if I did it would be nearly impossible to prove without a thorough analysis of the batches themselves. There might be something in there that promotes COVID cases and deaths.

I'm just saying that this is so obvious, that leaving these facts out can't be considered anything but misrepresentation of data.

We won't further our understanding of what happened this way.

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This spike occured in Portugal winter srprings 2021 as well. Even the german army sent personel there to open and run an ICU people had been told it had been Covid. No info wether these people had been vaxxed before. Some months later same in India.

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I don't see how that is a reason not to discriminate between breakthrough infection reports and regular AE reports.

It should have been done and discussed. Just bad science through and through.

We need to be more critical towards articles that confirm our expectations.

Right now, almost the entire landscape of vaccine critics is one walking, talking confirmation bias. The Steve Kirsch debate will make that painfully clear.

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I agree they should not use the word placebo

What was the lot size of FN5519. Some are quite large and even a true placebo will report some AE’s

The interesting thing was how the really bad lots were all small sizes. Is that because they were withdrawn early or just smaller batches

Another variable is distribution of lots. Some areas might have a higher number of vaccine loyalists where Doctors are less likely to

Issue VAERS reports

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FN5519 Lot size is displayed in the Table: 193,050 Doses. It has produced 4 Deaths, 29 Disabilities, 9 Life Threatening Illnessess and 84 other Adverse events so far reported. On par with relative lethality of Pfizer kill rate. Need a list of withdrawn batches, which are very few.


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I’m not sure I understand quite the degree of outrage.

There was evidence from multiple sources that extraordinary variations between batches in at least the frequency with which adverse events were reported occurred.

The variation between batches is very much greater than would be anticipated from a well made product.

Whether by design or simply a consequence of not having proper control of drug substance & drug product, we cannot currently say.

What we can say is that the manufacturers & regulators knew of the extraordinary variation in reported AE rates, this being the case for as long ago as 2.5y.

This happened knowingly

I agree that to assign the descriptor “placebo” is inappropriate.

The evidence is clear that some AEs reported about the least often harmful batches are inconsistent with a placebo.

Using the wrong term to describe the least frequently toxic batches isn’t the worst cut f among those writ large all around us.

It’s a rookie error if made by a rookie (somrubxx someone not of this industry.

If said by someone who ought to know better, well, I’d wonder what their motivation might be.

Separate from naming conventions, it’s been clear to me from very early on, long before we were presented by previously sensible people something that couldn’t possibly be true (a complex biological product which had been appropriately evaluated and manufactured, in under a year) that we were under existential threat.

I prefer to focus on that, while applauding all who are helping to alert those who astonishingly seem to believe the lies we’ve been told.

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I checked my lot number on VAERS and there are zero reported adverse events. What do you think the explanation for this is?

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Looks to me your Lot number is more likely to be 023C21A

That lot has 8 Deaths, 18 Disabilities, 7 Life Threatening Illnesses and 722 Other Adverse events at Craig's website.

Problem is that Lot 023C21A is a Moderna number.


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I checked that lot on Moderna's website. Not only is it not the right manufacturer, the expiration date is also wrong. Mine was 8/4/21, not 12/24/21.

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Seems like you will have to contact Janssen directly.

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Ok, if I find anything interesting, I'll be sure to post it here.

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It was absolutely a Janssen though. It's on my card and everything.

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To clarify, I even searched this on the lot expiry checker on the Janssen website and it still doesn’t show up. It’s 203C21A. I’ve even verified this number with my state health department

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Do you know how many people where injected with the same lot number as you were? So first to decide whether circumstances concerning you yourself have to be taken account or not, or more or less depending on the (small?) number of persons that was also injected from the same batch as you were?

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When there are many people injected from the same batch as you were, and this is about the same as 'every' or most batch number, not an answer can be given but it is in opinion worth to try to examinate, to be able to prevent future harm by this covidvaccinations.

Of course is an investigation to how your batch was fabricated, in which way it probably (90 percent of adverse events, also when not only the patient is permitted to report them, but doctors must report them whether they like it or not- are not ever going to be reported in VEARS) didn't do as much harm as many other batches did cause to their injected, is not (ever?)(going to be) a possibility!

About all people have served as test subjects.

The quality of life as well as the lenght of life aren't higher than before. The statistics and investigations that have been done, not because of the leaders of our world or the persons that gain money by selling vaccinationbatches direct, or indirectly, which is about all universital research people globally, as far as I can see all conluded that when no measures or vaccinations against covid had been done at all, the year 2020 had as much deaths as several orher years before when our well known flu has a bit more differentiated than it most years did. This would have resulted in the same death numbers belonging to this situation. That goes like this: in the severe flu year, the number of deaths in the flu season are lighty higher than the years before, followed by a couple months after the flu season where the number of deaths is bit LOWER than the years before. After that all death numbers are again as most of the time. In other words: nothing unusual.

This numbers have been clear to me, and the only capacity I needed to know this, was to be able to read the small amount of data that was still released by our governments. So they all know about this. All our leaders know about this.

They could predicted it accurately also because there were enough investigated and statistically well described and investigated experiences to do so. Again, I could so everbody knowing something about this stuff could do it even a lot better than I could.

Covid was not new. The vaccinations were a bit new, but highly investigated and proven not succesfull when the goal should be more of lifequality, to people or humans didn't matter.

So statistics tell us loud and clear there was no reason to vaccinate. -AND more or less other topic but very very relevant they already know vaccination has not ever increased health of persons but did increase illness and deaths since they injected them, no matter if it did actually protect the injected against the claimed illnes or not!!!-

And statistics tell us loud and clear, -again, not new, has been done over and over again, UNsuccesfully to decreasing illness n or increasing quality of life, SO 'they' new...-I know this after three hours investigation on the internet, so they know much and better!!!!-

And all statistics and measures are globally about the same easy to know completely unnecessary and harmfull... then....

We can, en can ONLY, conclude that the goal of our goverments globally was the SAME one: harming us and shortening our lives.

So I guess that the reason for some less deathly and or not at all too harmfull batches is that too many deaths at a time is counterproductive when the goal is doing as many and much harm possible, because people believe in vaccinations like people believe in God, but when people notice people dying over and over again after being vaccinated, and the unvaccinated do not die, they get suspicious and the operation killing all globally slowly without them even knowing is over. So that is clearly not in 'their' interest I guess.

As long as only statistics tell us loud and clear that everybody is at risk of dying and illness more than ever when vaccinated, there is no threat to the killing all when they don't even notice plan. Because people convinced by believe in vaccinations are good for them, are not possibly to convince differently by facts.

But everybody dying around them, might be effective in waking some up...

So I guess I answered your question now by showing you an answer is not possible to present, but I could show you some possible answers in explaining their absense.

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I have no idea what you’re saying. It’s impossible to know how many other people got the lot number. It was in a large suburban area fwiw.

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But surely there were some placebos distributed? It was a worldwide clinical trial, after all.

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Placebo was used in trials, which were not worldwide.


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Speculative either way, but seems to me the experiment continued with Phase IV clinical trials worldwide, and in order to do some comparison with a control group that either involved placebo and/or very low dosage of toxins could have been used and available to those "special" persons that wanted them or randomly just to compare. Even if whole batches were used, I question whether any data would be available publicly or not altered in some way. Many foreign doses were described simply as ineffective as an adverse event. Was that perhaps to get in the system as taken, but not with high risk? Or put in the system to reap potential monies for ineffective vax because it's documented? My answer is "I don't know" instead of either claim being complete hogwash.

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It is illegal to conduct a Clinical Trial without informed consent. So yes, the claim that Millions of Pfizer jabs were Placebo is Complete Hogwash

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Geoff - in view of the fact that those vaccinated were rarely provided with the information for informed consent - this is hardly a reasonable response.

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More specifically it is illegal to administer a Placebo when claiming the jab will have therapeutic effect.

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Big pharma has a proven track record of acting illegally over decades, as per the billions in fines paid - so I don't think it would be much of stretch to think that they could use placebos if they wanted to.

That said, whether it actually happened or not is another question. Thanks for investigating.

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Was saying "safe and effective" to the nth-degree legal? Was saying "safe and effective" to us wherever we went informed consent?

I'm not sure what legality has to do with an article speculating.

The article may be stretching, but it raises questions about variation between batches which I feel is fair.

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Are you actually stating that this couldn’t have been done simply because it’s not legal? You’re not serious, are you?

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I realize using the term "Phase IV" could be argued, but what term hasn't had its traditional definition either changed or ignored through all of this? I won't engage in an argument over its use.

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I don’t see how what you showed contradicts the original article. Maybe I’m just not understanding it. But it would help if you made your argument a little more clear

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If you search on the yellow lot numbers, you'll see that there were adverse events globally, even though they did not occur specifically in Denmark.

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If by "original article" you mean the Danish paper by Schmeling and coworkers, I describe it as thoroughly useless and it does not provide any Lot numbers. You can download it free and form your own opinion.


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I had the same reaction. I'm not arguing, just trying to understand the Bad Batch graphs, of which the most relevant one would seem to be the State/Country numbers.

Note the highest number (Ireland) is ~115, while Denmark is ~15. The numbers are not per x doses, they're absolute. How many doses did Ireland administer compared to Denmark?

Because adverse events are only suspected, not proven, we would expect that there would be some reported adverse events for even saline. Speaking of that, what exactly was the Pfizer "placebo"? As I understand it, most clinical trials for vaccines do not use saline, they use a previous vaccine for the same disease, or possibly the proposed vaccine without the "active" ingredient but still including adjuvants etc.

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Pfizer trials used 0.9% NaCl saline and we know the suppliers and codes for those Placebos.

You are correct about gaps in information. ICAN extracted by Court Order the data for Pfizer lots shipped to August 2022, but not for Foreign markets. The trials show far fewer Adverse Reactions for Saline Placebo recipients.


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Maybe not a placebo lot, but nonetheless a striking distinction in the three lots illustrated. Unless you are saying that the entire basis of the article is fabricated?

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The article by Schmeling et al is useless.


Making it news is just so sad, but also extreme breach of journalistic ethics.

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