SpikoGen formerly Covax-19 update
GMO Covid19 Jab designed in Australia and used in Iran is in the news again
Australian Jab designer Nikolai Petrovsky recently sent an update to me and a number of my friends announcing a GoFundMe campaign to support Legal Action since he and his team have been terminated from Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.
Their product had a very bumpy ride at the hands of vested interests in Australia who did not want the Synthetic GMO Recombinant Spike Protein jab used in this country.
Here it is in manufactured1 form:
GMO SpikoGen manufactured in Insect cells
The SpikoGen GMO Synthetic Spike is made using Trichoplusia Ni insect cells, which are also used to make Cervarix.2
SpikoGen Adjuvant designed for Cytokine Storm
The Cinnagen Covid19 Jab contains Advax3 and CpG55.2 Adjuvants which comprises Delta Inulin a novel microcrystalline Polysaccharide, and CpG55.2 oligonucleotide, a Synthetic Human Toll-like receptor (TLR)-9 agonist that was developed using Artificial Intelligence. I have covered the Adverse Events to be expected from hitting your TLR9, that causes extra damage in Synergy with any Endotoxin circulating in your body.4
Endotoxin is in SpikoGen - How much?
Advax Adjuvant is a source of Endotoxin with one paper5 reporting a very lax qualification of < 50 EU/ml.
Still looking for Endotoxin in CpG55.2 and other components of SpikoGen.
Booster Trial excluded Polysorbate 80 Allergic
A very small scale Clinical Trial of just 150 recruits was restricted to participants who had at least 2 prior Covid19 Jabs from other profiteers.6
It excluded any participants with allergy to Polysorbate 80, the hazards of which I covered earlier.7
Adverse Events reported for SpikoGen
From the manufacturer website
Pain and swelling at the injection site
Muscle ache
Joint Pain
Nausea Fever
Sore throat
Swollen face, lips, tongue, or throat
Difficulty breathing
Flinders University sacks Nikolai Petrovsky and Evicts Vaxine Pty Ltd Lab
A recent article by Rebecca Weisser covers the brutal treatment of the Vaxine Pty Ltd team, trial participants given another jab, and the test animals used in various projects.8
Nikolai Petrovsky has over 240 publications and is the developer of vaccines against Influenza, Hepatitis B, Sting allergy, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, and HIV and is currently working on a personalised vaccine to “cure cancer”.
Rebecca lists Nikolai Petrovsky funding sources in useful detail, including:
US National Institutes of Health
Australian Research Council
National Health and Medical Research Council
MTPConnect –Australia’s Life Sciences Innovation Accelerator
DMTC formerly, the Defence Materials Technology Centre
Global Connections – an AusIndustry body
National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Bioscience Industry Development, Industry South Australia
Innovate UK
Brilliantly successful GoFundMe campaign
At the time of writing Nikolai Petrovsky and his supporters had raised over $1,000,000 of their target of $1.2 Million to fund costly Legal Action (Lawyers Always Win $ while their clients might not).9
Will update when more data is found on Endotoxin content.
Please let me know if you have found more on Substack to add to Maryanne Demasi coverage.1011
Yoshikazu Honda-Okubo, Fadi Saade, Nikolai Petrovsky. 2012. Advax™, a polysaccharide adjuvant derived from delta inulin, provides improved influenza vaccine protection through broad-based enhancement of adaptive immune responses. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0264410X12008742
Troy Wanandy, Yoshikazu Honda-Okubo, Noel W. Davies, Hayley E. Rose,Robert J. Heddlee, Simon G.A. Brown, Richard J. Woodman,Nikolai Petrovskye, Michael D. Wiese. 2019. Pharmaceutical and preclinical evaluation of Advax adjuvant as a dose-sparing strategy for ant venom immunotherapy. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0731708518322787
Vaxine Pty Ltd. NCT05542862 Booster Study of SpikoGen COVID-19 Vaccine. https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05542862
Rebecca Weisser. 2024. Punishing Petrovsky. Don’t offend the Grand Poobahs of Australian public health. The Spectator Australia. https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/04/punishing-petrovsky/