Remdesivir Deaths - was Endotoxin a factor?
When I first saw the chemical structure of Remdesivir I worried about the organophosphate and cyanide groups. Looking at symptoms, I think Endotoxin contamination as found in India, caused Deaths
The US FAERS database shows 2,480 Deaths and 7,834 Serious cases from a total of 9,696 Adverse Event Reports for Remdesivir, Gilead tradename Veklury. This is likely to be a gross underestimate of harm.
VigiAccess Database Remdesivir Deaths
On 13 September 2021 Dr Tess Lawrie accessed the Vigiaccess database1 of the WHO and produced a Table comparing the number of Deaths and Adverse Drug Reaction Reports (ADRs) for Ivermectin, all Covid19 Jabs and Remdesvir to that date.
Note 557 Deaths recorded after taking Remdesivir from a total of 7,262 ADRs, making it far more toxic than the Covid19 jabs and Ivermectin.
Some prominent researchers from US, Israel, Norway and Australia made a submission to the US FDA including this Table.2
On 24 March 2024, the number of reports at VigiAccess for Remdesivir was 11,215.
How many Deaths now? I could not see the data for that.
In Australia the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) reports 14 Deaths after taking this drug.
Here is its molecular structure. In the body it is rapidly converted to other molecules.
Paul Elias Alexander promoted Remdesivir
The Wellness Company executive Paul Elias Alexander, when working for the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization in Washington DC, published a paper in May 2020 that served to promote the use of Remdesivir. It was simply a review of 2 clinical trials that claimed a reduction in time to recovery and reduced risk of Serious Adverse Events.3
Many will recall Anthony Fauci made a video using exactly these claims in the presence of President Donald Trump. See the collection of videos presented by James Roguski.4
On the strength of this Trump was given a cocktail of drugs, including Remdesivir.5
Some more interesting history can be found in the article by Brucha Weisberger.6
Richard M Fleming conducted a clinical trial involving numerous drugs in which 1 patient given Remdesivir died.7
TGA allows dodgy imports of Remdesivir
TGA allowed import of Remdesivir in September 2021, Batch Number 21090201M (28,000 units) despite the fact that it did not conform to the requirements of Therapeutic Goods Order No. 91 - Standard for labels of prescription and related medicines (TGO 91).8
TGA did the same again in February 2022.9
Remdesivir Mode of Action
The Product information states:
Remdesivir is an Adenosine analogue nucleotide prodrug that distributes into cells where it is metabolised to form the pharmacologically active nucleoside triphosphate metabolite.
Remdesivir is a substrate for Esterases in plasma and tissue and drug metabolising enzyme CYP3A4 and is a substrate for Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides 1B1 (OATP1B1) and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transporters.
In vitro, Remdesivir is an inhibitor of CYP3A4, UGT1A1, UGT1A3, UGT1A4, OATP1B1, OATP1B3, OAT3, OCT1, MRP4 and MATE1.
Remdesivir Adverse Events and Deaths
I previously mentioned that Remdesivir causes reactivation10 of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), Shingles and Epstein-Barr Viruses via the MAPK pathway and further promote virion replication via NF-κb signaling, which is known to be the result of Endotoxin poisoning.11
Other symptoms reported for Remdesivir victims include:
Abdominal pain
Alanine Aminotransferase increased
Alkaline Phosphatase increased
Anaphylaxis, Hypersensitivity
Aspartate Aminotransferase increased
Cardiac failure
Conjugated Bilirubin increased
Hepatic, Liver Failure
Liver inflammation
Loss of consciousness
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Palmar erythema
Prothrombin time increased
Respiratory failure
Severe Renal (Kidney) Toxicity as observed in monkeys and rats
Tendon disorder
All of these are known effects of Endotoxin.12
Bradycardia most common in the Remdesivir Dead
5 of 14 Deaths reported to TGA DAEN involved Bradycardia.
Endotoxin is well known to induce Bradycardia when injected into Human Volunteers.13
Sulfobutyl Betadex Sodium
Remdesivir contains the Sodium salt of the a polyanionic cyclic oligosaccharide Sulfobutyl ether β-cyclodextrin, also known as Sulfobutyl Betadex Sodium.
This is known to accumulate in patients with decreased renal function.
How much Endotoxin is in Remdesivir ?
In Australia all injectable drugs are supposed to be tested for Endotoxin.
We know1415 that Gilead tests for Endotoxin in Remdesivir, but so far I have not found any reported levels.
In 2021 in India, Endotoxin contamination was identified as a major hazard leading to a Recall of Batch V100167. Batch V100156 was also causing severe reactions.1617
23 July 2024 Update
See more interesting history.18
January 2025 Update
See the tragedy of EUA for Children posted by Lawyer Lisa.19
At FAERS, to 31 December 2024, for Remdesivir there were recorded 2,624 Deaths, 8,376 Serious Adverse Reaction reports from a total of 10,298 case reports.
March 2025 Update
For an excellent discussion of the first US Wuhan Covid19 case known to have been given Remdesivir who arrived on a direct flight in Seattle, see Deepak Natarajan.20
Compare with the first Wuhan Covid19 case confirmed in Melbourne.21
Can you help find Remdesivir Endotoxin measurements?
David Wiseman, Joshua Guetzkow, Hervé Seligmann and Samir Saidi. Docket No. FDA-2021-N-0965. Written comments submitted to: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) September 17, 2021 Meeting.
Paul Elias Alexander, Joshua Piticaru, Kimberley Lewis, Komal Aryal, Priya Thomas, Wojciech Szczeklik, Jakub Fronczek, Kamil Polok, Waleed Alhazzani and Manoj Mammen. 2020.
Jon Cohen. 2020. Update: Here's what is known about Trump's COVID-19 treatment.
Richard M Fleming and Matthew R Fleming. 8 February 2021. FMTVDM Quantitative Nuclear Imaging finds Three Treatments for SARS-CoV-2.
Epigenetics of Endotoxin Poisoning from Pfizer Jabs
Lucas T. G. J. van Eijk, Peter Pickkers, Paul Smits, Martijn P. W. J. M. Bouw and Johannes G. van der Hoeven. 2004. Severe vagal response after endotoxin administration in humans.
European Medicines Agency. 3 April 2020. Summary on compassionate use.
Remdesivir Gilead International Non-proprietary Name: Remdesivir Procedure No. EMEA/H/K/005622/CU
Ahmed H. Bakheit, Hany Darwish, Ibrahim A. Darwish, and Ahmed I. Al-Ghusn. 2023. Remdesivir.
Priyanka Pulla. 23 Dec 2021. The dangerous failure to stop tainted remdesivir.
Priyanka Pulla. 6 Jan 2022. The Zydus Cadila Remdesivir Fiasco Wasn’t an Isolated Incident.
Dr Paul Alexander seems to have changed his mind quite quickly about this drug. Maybe there’s some back-pedalling going on.
Slam dunk, back of the net, hole in one, ten brownie points and an A*