Ozempic Semaglutide Deaths. Endotoxin Hits your Macrophages > Makes Exosomes > miR-155 Hits your Epithelial Progenitor Cells
Never cease to be amazed by the volume of Endotoxin Harms. My friend pointed out a paper on a Lethal Diabetes treatment Semaglutide and that led me to another fascinating paper.
340 Ozempic Deaths reported to US FAERS to 30 September 2024.
Plus 11,602 Serious cases out of 26,223 total cases
2025 Update should shock some.
TGA Australia produced a weird report1 on a Diabetes drug called Ozempic Semaglutide marketed in Australia by Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd.
Semaglutide is injected or taken orally.
On the following page we find:
there are no further concerns with regard to endotoxin testing that need delay registration’.
So the use of “further concerns” suggests there had in fact been Endotoxin concerns.
On page 11 the issue of possible Microbial contamination is discussed.
On page 12 we find identified Risks:
the combined safety studies indicate the following as potentially clinically-relevant:
– transient acute effects (hypoactivity, suppressed appetite, reduced food consumption) at dose initiation
– diuresis and natriuresis
– gastrointestinal effects associated with delayed gastric emptying
• a risk for thyroid carcinogenicity cannot be completely dismissed but there is no greater risk with semaglutide compared with currently-registered long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists
TGA states on page 13:
The sponsor has proposed international, additional pharmacovigilance studies to address diabetic retinopathy complications, pancreatic cancer and medullary thyroid cancer pending marketing approval.
The theory behind Semaglutide is deliberate suppression of appetite and interference with digestion.
A paper from Pan and coworkers2 reported details of Semaglutide in their hopes of alleviating Endotoxin Cytokine Storm in Obese and Diabetic patients. The title immediately caught my eye because I have written about the role of microRNA miR-155 induced by Endotoxin causing Heart Damage and Multiple Organ Failure.3
Their Figure 4 shows Transmission Electron Microscopy and Western Blot of exosomal biomarkers CD9, CD63, CD81. Here the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line was treated with Semaglutide, described as “miR-155 inhibitor”
The results showed that LPS-induced macrophages resulted in a significant upregulation of miR-155 expression in exosomes. Normal macrophages, LPS-induced macrophages and EPCs showed corresponding up- and down-regulation of expression after transfection with miR-155 mimics and inhibitors, indicating that miR-155 mimics and miR-155 inhibitors successfully transfected macrophages and enhanced and decreased miR-155 content in exosomes accordingly. (Fig. 4C).
Semaglutide contains Endotoxin
Commercial supplies are contaminated and contain up to 10 EU/mg Endotoxin which causes increased miR-155.4
Moral Depravity of TGA exposed again
How many adverse events have been reported for this drug?
We find Ozempic Semaglutide has claimed 9 Deaths from 293 Adverse Events reported to the TGA DAEN to 30 November 2023.
Note 7 cases of Pancreatic Cancer and 13 Cases of Suicidal Ideation.
TGA has another Semaglutide Death
No Brand Name for this 66-year-old lady who died after taking Semaglutide molar mass 4,113 and Dulaglutide, molar mass 59,670 in Australia reported in January 2022.
TGA trying to stop Generic Ozempic
“The TGA is proposing to remove the family of drugs used to make Ozempic and Mounjaro from Australia's compounding exemptions, stopping pharmacies from making off-brand replicas.”
See the latest article by Australian Broadcasting Corporation (government owned).5
TGA expressed concern over “bacterial and fungal contamination”.
March 2024 Update
Robyn Chuter has published an excellent article delving further into the dangerous weight loss drugs and provides links to her many articles covering the deadly Endotoxin contaminant.6
9,335 Semaglutide Deaths in FAERS
Using the user friendly interface to the US FAERS database, we find 9,335 Deaths linked to Semaglutide. This is an underestimate because Albert is still working back in time, adding FAERS official data year by year and deleting duplicate victim entries.
Here is his output so far.
October 2024 Update
TGA DAEN is now reporting 18 Deaths from Ozempic including 2 "completed Suicides" and 2 "accidental overdoses" From 441 cases where it was the single suspected "Medicine".
More on Blindness caused by Semaglutide
AusPAR - Ozempic – semaglutide - Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd - PM-2018-02748-1-5 FINAL 30 October 2020.
Pan X, et al. 2023. Semaglutide alleviates inflammation-Induced endothelial progenitor cells injury by inhibiting MiR-155 expression in macrophage exosomes. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567576923005179
Elise Worthington. 1 March 2024. Regulator acts to close loophole enabling Australian pharmacists to make copycat Ozempic drug. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-29/compounding-pharmacies-mounjaro-ozempic/103283926
Novo Nordisk is now Europe’s largest public company. In 5 years the shares are up 330%. In the same period Pfizer shares are down 40%. This is all due to the hype around Ozempic.