I co-signed a Legal Letter addressed to The Hon. Russell Broadbent MP and ccd to 6 Senators that he has in turn forwarded to Albo, Butler and Lawler of TGA and made Public
Prepared by Lawyer Katie Ashby-Koppens of PJ O’Brien & Associates with the assistance of many, the letter highlights the risk of Bacterial Plasmid DNA in Jabs
Readers will recall that TGA Labs have been measuring Residual DNA Template in Jabs since 2021, as discovered by close examination of FOI 4558, displayed to a group of us in the office of Senator Malcom Roberts when we visited Canberra in October 2023.1 Here is one example. Lot FG0050 tested 9 June 2021 and released 27 Jul 2021.2
Now Katie and her friend Julian Gillespie have given us the nod to help in “sending up the flare” encouraging us to share widely the collective letter and Russell Broadbent’s covering letter. Please click to expand.

Let’s hope some of the recipients of the letter click on all the embedded links which I will add later because we are at the email length limit.
Here is the covering letter from Russel Broadbent MP to the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (aka Albo), The Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler, and the Professor Tony Lawler Chief Medical Officer and the Deputy Secretary of the Health Products Regulation Group. See their Corporate Structure.3
As you will see the letter suggests at section 5, that the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee (GTTAC) 2023-2026 should be invited to give guidance, effectively overriding the 96% Big Pharma funded TGA.4
My suggested additions to the letter were rejected by the Lawyers.
I had suggested inclusion of a Graphical Abstract along the lines of Australian researchers Kent and coworkers who measured circulation of Moderna mRNA jabs in Human Volunteers for weeks after injection.5
Kent et al. discovered
"decay kinetics of the intact mRNA and ionizable lipid (SM-102) were identical, suggesting the intact Lipid Nanoparticle recirculates in Blood"
I also suggested inclusion of the work of Pan and coworkers6 who found
"Attachment of nanoparticles to the surface of carrier Red Blood Cells profoundly alters their interactions with the host organism, Decelerating NP clearance from the bloodstream while enabling NP transfer from the RBC surface to the vascular cells."
I also suggested addition of a Glossary, because, as demonstrated in the pending Class Action launched by Dr Melissa McCann, the Judge Anna Judith Katzmann (retiring in 2025) demanded one as she was clearly not able to cope with technical terms.7
The Co-signers
In surname alphabetical order:
Dr Phillip Altman BPharm(Hons), MSc, PhD Clinical Trial and Regulatory Affairs Consultant
Dr John Anderson MBBS
Emeritus Professor Sucharit Bhakdi M.D.
Dr. Marsha Y. Blakeslee D.O. Internal Medicine
Prof Ian Brighthope Director, The World of Wellness International Advisor, The Aligned Council of Aust
Prof Alexandra Henrion Caude Geneticist, (Former) Director of Research INSERM French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Paris, France
Prof Robyn Cosford MBBS(Hons), DipNutr, Dip Hom, FACNEM FASLM, Professor of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Chair, Children’s Health Defense
Emeritus Prof Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci Emeritus Prof of Oncology University of London, Principal of the Institute of cancer vaccines and immunotherapy (ICVI)
Dr Hans Peter Dietz MD PhD FRANZCOG DDU CU Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Urogynaecologist
Peter Fam LLB, Human Rights Lawyer Principal Partner, MAATs Methods
Dr Gary Fettke Retired Orthopaedic Surgeon M.B.,B.S.(University NSW), F.R.A.C.S.(Orthopaedic Surgery), F.A.Orth.A., MHP
Dr Julian Fidge BPharm, Grad Dip App Sc (Comp Sc) MBBS, FRACGP, MMed (Pain Mgt)
A/Prof Maarten Fornerod, PhD Associate professor of Cell Data and Disease Biomedical Sciences Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Prof Gigi Foster Co-Director, Australians for Science and Freedom University of New South Wales
Professor Paul Frijters Economics
Dr Catherine Fyans MBBS
Julian Gillespie LLB, BJuris8
A/Prof Jonathan D Gilthorpe BSc (Hons), PhD, Docent Senior Lecturer Umeå University, Sweden
Professor Eleftherios Gkioulekas Professor of Mathematics University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Dr Jan Heath B.A. (Soc Sci), B.A. (Hons), M.Psych (Counselling), M.Terr&Sec Stud, D.Psych (Forensic), MAPS, FCFP
Emeritus Prof Wendy Hoy Professor of Medicine, FAA AO FRACP MBBS(H1) BScMed (H1) University of Queensland
Dr Nicholas J. Hudson, PhD Senior lecturer in Metabolic Biochemistry University of Queensland
Dr Angela Jeanes BSc(Hons), PhD
Dr Peter Johnston MMBS FRACGP
Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan MD (UKM), MMed (AnaesUM), FANZCA MMED
Dr Astrid Lefringhausen PhD Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Specialised in Virology and Immunology Board of Directors CHD Australia
Dr Andrew Madry BSc PhD
Dr Melissa McCann BPharm MBBS FRACGP
Dr Andrew McIntyre Consultant Gastroenterologist FRACP MBBS(Hons)
Kevin McKernan BSc, (Former) Research Director Human Genome Project9
Dr Serene Lim MBBS
Dr Luke McLindon MBBS FRACGP FRANZCOG Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Advanced Laparoscopy/Endometriosis/Infertility
Dr Michelle Musca MBBS FRACGP
Dr Christopher Neil MBBS, FRACP, PhD Cardiologist President, Australian Medical Professionals Society
Dr Suzanne Niblett BSc (Hons), PhD
Prof Kylie O'Brien PhD Clinical Researcher Consultant in Integrative Medicine Consultant in Higher Education
Dr Paul Oosterhuis MBBS FANZCA
Dr Ciara O'Sullivan MBBS, BSc, MRCP (London), FRACP
Dr Geoff Pain PhD. B.Sc.(Hons.) Grad Dipl Business Management
A/Prof Peter Parry MBBS, PhD, FRANZCP, Cert. Child & Adolesc. Psychiatry, University of Queensland
Dr Beverley Peers FANZCA
Dr Valerie Peers MBBS DRANZVOG
Christof Plothe DO BSC.(OST), HONS
Dr Marc Rendell, M.D.
Dr Jessica Rose, PhD Applied Mathematics, Immunology, Computational Biology Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Bernadette Ryan BSW, Grad Dip Com
Dr Elvis Ivan Šeman MBBS, FRANZCOG, EUCOGE, FRCOG, NFPMC, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University, South Australia Medical Director, MaterCare International
Dr Niroshan Sivathasan BSc, MB BS (Lond), DRCOG, MRCS (Eng), AFACP, DU (Plast), FCPCA, FACAM, FACCSM (Med), FACCSM (Surg), FAACS
Dr Julie Sladden MBBS(Hons), BMedSci PGDipMedEd
A/Prof Michael Sladden MBChB, MAE, MRCP, FACD, FRACGP MRCGP, Consultant Dermatologist Associate Professor Medicine and Dermatology, University of Tasmania
Dr David J. Speicher Virologist, PhD DTM Senior Research Associate University of Guelph, Canada
Dr Mary Kelly Sutton, M.D.
Dr Duncan Syme MBBS FRACGP DROGG Dip Practical
Kara Thomas BNurs, GCertNurs, MInt&CommDev
Dr Carmen Traill FRACGP Adv DRANZCOG
Dr Conny Turni BSc, Hons, PhD Senior Research Fellow Microbiology Research
QAAFI, University of Queensland
Prof Brendan Vote Director, Tasmanian Eye Institute Ltd Clinical Professor University of Tasmania
Dr. Varghese Zachariah FRACGP, DCH, AFMCP
If you know anyone mentioned here please congratulate them on going public.
We hope that many people will share this broadcast.
Stephen J. Kent, Shiyao Li, Thakshila H. Amarasena, Arnold Reynaldi, Wen Shi Lee, Michael G. Leeming, David H. O’Connor, Julie Nguyen, Helen E. Kent, Frank Caruso, Jennifer A. Juno, Adam K. Wheatley, Miles P. Davenport, and Yi Ju. 2024. Blood Distribution of SARS-CoV‑2 Lipid Nanoparticle mRNA Vaccine in Humans. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.4c11652
Daniel C. Pan, Jacob W. Myerson, Jacob S. Brenner, Priyal N. Patel, Aaron C. Anselmo, Samir Mitragotri and Vladimir Muzykantov. 2018. Nanoparticle Properties Modulate Their Attachment and Effect on Carrier Red Blood Cells. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-19897-8