Do the Australian Advisory committees GTTAC and GTECCC suffer Groupthink or have heated discussion over GMO Jabs ?
Let's focus on some people who advise the Australian Government on Mass Jabbing and wider poisoning via Genetic Modification of all types of Life
First person who caught my eye in the list of GMO enthusiasts comprising the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee (GTTAC) 2023-2026 was Associate Professor Michael Michael.
He is, as described on the government website
a molecular biologist working at Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide. He also works in cancer research at Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Flinders University. Originally a founding scientist at one of Australia’s first biotechnology companies Calgene Pacific/Florigene Pty Ltd, Assoc. Prof. Michael now supervises the Gene Expression Lab in Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer, where he studies the contribution of epigenetics and RNA-mediated processes to tumour initiation and progression. His priorities are to identify biomarkers that can inform clinical decisions and to develop novel therapies. He completed both his undergraduate and Ph.D. studies in genetics at the University of Melbourne and is a long-standing contributor to the Flinders Institutional Biosafety Committee.
The name rang a bell and I found Michael Michael was doing interesting research on the effects of Endotoxin on Human Placentas in Australia 32 years ago.
Can anyone help me find a copy of his 1992 paper which is of interest re increased preterm birth and spontaneous abortion1 observed in the mass jabbing frenzy?
I found the Abstract on PubMed and elsewhere.
Other Members of GTTAC
This article might be expanded later and become too long for email distribution, so here is just a short description of the members.
Professor John E.J Rasko is Chair
Dr Graham Bonnett
Prof. Fiona Cameron
Assoc. Prof. Michael Considine
Dr Tessa Gargett
Assoc. Prof. Grant Logan
Dr Geraldine O’Neill
Dr Gabrielle O’Sullivan*
Dr Kelly Pearce*
Dr Jason Smythe
Dr Jane Visvader
Professor Calum Wilson
Prof. Paul Young
Download the full pdf to read the GTTAC biographies.
Members of GTECCC
Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee 2023-2026
Associate Professor Judith Jones is Chair
Professor Rachel A. Ankeny
Paula Fitzgerald
Dr Jaden Hastings
Professor Ainsley Newson
Dr Rachel Nowak
Dr Gabrielle O’Sullivan*
Dr Kelly Pearce*
Dr Robert Sward
Dr Lynn Woodward
Download the full pdf to read the GTECCC biographies.
Note the 2 highlighted ladies who sit on both GTTAC and GTECCC.
These Committees operate under the control of the Australian Department of Healthcare and Aging, Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, which famously approved the AstraZeneca Jab as a GMO product.23
Please feel free to contact me privately if you have further information on the commercial interests of these people, other than disclosed in the bios.
Just corruption Geoff. That and they're complicit to varying degrees, self preservation is a hard instinct to overcome