Brain Damage and Deaths from Endotoxin in Pertussis = Whooping Cough Jabs
First a brief reminder to get your Royal Commission submission in before the 12 January Deadline, a couple of 2023 highlights and then some more shocking Endotoxin History.
I have returned to Victoria after 2 weeks visiting my twin grandsons for the first time. I was previously locked out of Western Australia by the pure evil of the McGowan government simply because I refuse to be jabbed. That Mandate has now disappeared.
My airfare was a gift from my daughter and her husband.
While in WA I had a great meeting with Deep Data Diver Karri at her home.1 Unfortunately ran out of time to meet up with more friends and subscribers.
Now it is time for some more Science and Politics.
The highlight of my Covid19 jab fighting year 2023 was collaborating with Kevin McKernan who demonstrated massive Endotoxin contamination in the jabs as shown in his first attempt to deal with Lipid Nanoparticle, DNA and mRNA and other interference with the measurement here:
We will be reporting in more detail in 2024, which will be a Happy New Year for many as litigation continues on so many fronts.
Looking forward to many of our readers sending submissions to the Royal Commission Terms of Reference Inquiry. Please let us know when you have, following details posted earlier.
Also please have a look at a major submission you might like to sign onto, drafted by a large number of my friends. I get a mention as a proposed Royal Commission witness on page 63.2
Endotoxin is mentioned once on page 62. I will be making my own submission that addresses a number of important pandemic issues not mentioned in that document.
Brain Damage and Death from DTP Jab Endotoxin
I will be expanding on this in coming days, but came across a great 2002 review by leaders in the push to expose Endotoxin damage on a huge scale, David and Mark Geier, who have been active for decades. It is free to download from a trusted source.3
A landmark event in the evolution of vaccine toxicity awareness occurred in 1979 when the CDC held meetings to discuss the relationship between sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and pertussis vaccine after a lot of DPT administered in Tennessee was believed to be responsible for several deaths. Four infants, all aged two to three months, died within twenty-four hours of receiving Wyeth lot 64201. There were 96,105 doses of this lot given in Tennessee before the state withdrew the lot from use on 11 March 1979.
An article in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report later showed that the DPT vaccine was statistically significantly linked to these deaths [63].
As news of the tragedy spread, Dr. Ted Cannon, the second-in-command of the FDA in charge of vaccines, ordered the recall of the entire lot from the shelves in several states. The FDA head of vaccines, Dr. John Petricciani, was away at the time. Upon returning, however, he issued a memo stating that the potential harmful lots of pertussis vaccine had to be put back on the shelf for use, and he apologized to the drug companies for the actions taken by the FDA, assuring them it would never happen again [64].
Petricciani’s apology came after strong pressure was applied by the vaccine manufacturers, who were unwilling to lose revenue due to an informal recall of their vaccine. They took measures of their own to ensure against future recalls.
After the Tennessee incident, pertussis manufacturers arranged that entire lots would never again be sent to single areas of the country. Specifically, a memo from Wyeth Laboratories stated that since the SIDS episode, there had been only a limited number of vials of each lot of DTP shipped to municipal clinics, not exceeding more than 2,500 vials.
Such tactics used by BigPharma to hide Endotoxin Harms will be examined more closely in 2024.
Look at this Table from a study of VAERS reports published in 2002 by the same authors, David and Mark Geier.4
They cleverly used the VAERS system, despite its “under reporting, erroneous reporting, frequent multiple exposures and multiple outcomes” by comparing different types of jabs and specific terms for harms. Then they compared reporting in Japan and Sweden to show that more severely Endotoxin contaminated jabs produced more Brain Damage and Death.
I performed a similar comparison to look at Relative Lethality of Covid19 Jabs and found Death toll can’t be related to the amount of mRNA, but can be related to amount of Endotoxin when we get the data :
Relative Lethality of COVID-19 vaccines - who is measuring the casualties?
May 2024 Update
Renewed interest on X about SIDS from DTP and DTAP Jabs.
Here is data from the Geiers in 2002 showing massive Endotoxin in Whole Cell Jabs5 like those produced by Wyeth (purchased by Pfizer) and other companies that led to withdrawal in 2001.
They showed the tragic Death Toll to that date reported in VAERS:
As numerous authors have shown, reports to VAERS represent only a small fraction of cases.
David A Geier and Mark R Geier. 2002. The True Story of Pertussis Vaccination: A Sordid Legacy?
DAVID A. GEIER and MARK R. GEIER. 2002. Serious neurological conditions following pertussis immunization: an analysis of endotoxin levels, the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) database and literature review.
David A Geier and Mark R Geier. 2002. Clinical Implications of Endotoxin Concentrations in Vaccines.