Excellent article, but don’t forget platelets have ACE2 receptors releasing PAF’s and pro inflammatory MIP-2. Lungs have the largest reservoirs of platelets.

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Yes, thanks. Drew Weissman told us his Jab target was always dendritic cells.

But of course his latest patent shows IL6 generation in macrophages was part of the evil plan.

Platelet Receptors Big subject.



"In the presence of reduced ACE2 function in the lung induced by endotoxins there is an increase of free DABK, which in turn activates B1 receptors with release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and intense lung inflammatory and injury."


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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Liked by GeoffPainPhD

Hi Geoff. If time permits can you please look into this and if you think this is a cause for concern (it sounds very worrying to me) can you please share far and wide.

This is about self-amplifying / replicating mRNA vaccines.

According to Prof Murakami (an immunologist) the Japanese govt has authorised for these vaccines to start being administered in Japan in October (I've forgotten which area but I think he mentioned it in the interview below). *

And if this does lead to a widespread mass deaths and serious injury/disease then I wouldn't put it past the health authorities and govts to pass this off as due to something else - like bird flu (I have thought about monkey pox but it would be more believable to the public that it would be due to bird flu - there is a bird flu international conference in October - look at the details in the conference brochure on the website (below) - "Mass Fatality Management Planning" and more).

*Correction: I listened to part of the interview again and he said many people (4000+according to the other guy in the background) have already been injected with this vaccine




Other relevant references



Bird flu international conference:


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Thanks Rochelle. A number of my friends, including some in Japan, have warned about this disastrous development. I will delve and put something together soon.

Also you might like to look at promoters of siRNA Jabs.

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I have family in Japan, and they won't believe any of this.

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Well, we will get bilingual help finding authentic information.

Searching Google Patents would be a great place to start.

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