Sickening posts claiming no Atomic Bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are most likely motivated by proponents of Nuclear Subs, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Genocide and Power Plants.
usually young people who have never really lived. how can you deny holocaust, atomic bombs - and believe all the crap the govt wants us to believe? I am now not so sure about the moon landings, since they have no film, no documents, no numbers no anything at NASA. But there are quite some documents proving camps and bombs, and I was in some of the camps myself, and know some descendents of survivors (their dad was the only one of the family who came out alive). Maybe the numbers are wrong, but the facts are there. And it is often forgotten that not only Jewish people died in the camps but also Rom, twins, and lots of German people
yes, I saw it too. I was 8 at the time. But I also saw the film Capricorn one and read the comments Kubrick made. And why does Nasa have no proof whatsoever? nothing at all. The rock they sent to the Netherlands turned out to be petrified wood. I am not saying yes or no. But it has certainly risen doubts. And why can they no longer do it now? they say they don't have the technology anymore - quatch. Of course they had several accidents, but there was the Apollo with Grissom (who seriously doubted they would be able to do this, and they died in it indeed. He said, if this communication system is working all the way to the moon that be a miracle because it is not working to the next city block). Didn't we all see the towers go up in flames with a plane sticking out? That was not what it was, either. So, I got serious doubts !
Actually , it’s very easy to believe that nuclear weapons from exist as no one would be able to live in either of these two Japanese cities for years and years and years according to physics. They seem to reproduce just fine and have no more cancer in any other population of people in fact I believe they have less cancer because of their diets of omega-3. Not to mention tourists are now inhabiting the bikini islands where they claim to drop tons and tons of nuclear weapons which in reality were nothing more than TNT. Had nuclear weapons been dropped on Japan why is it that many many concrete structures still stood yet all the wood structures were burned to the ground ? This is reminiscent of firebombing which was ubiquitous and not only Japan but all Europe and if you look at photographs from firebombing and compare them to Hiroshima and Nagasaki you cannot tell the difference those two cities were fire bombed .. Nuclear weapons are a lie to keep the sheep in fear just like viruses
The same can be said of Chernobyl. Plants and animals are thriving people are living there I have not seen one three eyed Russian walking around ever 😁
Well if you live right, eat raw animal food , strength train , sleep, and master your mind to think good thoughts you should never get cancer even if you’ve been directly poison you will be that strong, that vital . The explorer arctic explorer Stephenson wrote a book “cancer disease of civilization”. He never saw any cancer among the Eskimo, either did Albert Schweitzer as long as they stay to their traditional diet and their traditional mindset . Modern human beings have been so weakened body mind and spirit from every vector It is a wonder that our species are still here
If you look at the old footage of one of the alleged atomic bombs being dropped on the Japan and pay very close attention you will see two mushroom cloud s! Oh wait a minute excuse me I thought only one bomb was dropped ? Fire bombs
and one more thing about all the footage if you watch those old 1950s footage of so-called nuclear tests that were shown on live TV so the people watching them only got to see them once you will notice all of those houses being blown away and those trees are nothing more than models not real houses not real trees. 1950s versions of Deepthi. Some of the explosions were actually nothing more than the rising Sun !!! This is very obvious when you’re able to replay it and slow it down. If nuclear weapons and nuclear test really existed why would they need to fake it with little house models ????? They would not . So go ahead Mr. demented president press the red button nothings gonna happen except your butler will show up with your diapers
Michael Palmer has support for his bizarre theory from folks in the MFM due to his membership of Doctors for Covid Ethics alongside Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi.
It seems that there is no position that is too absurd to believe for a small minority of folks.
usually young people who have never really lived. how can you deny holocaust, atomic bombs - and believe all the crap the govt wants us to believe? I am now not so sure about the moon landings, since they have no film, no documents, no numbers no anything at NASA. But there are quite some documents proving camps and bombs, and I was in some of the camps myself, and know some descendents of survivors (their dad was the only one of the family who came out alive). Maybe the numbers are wrong, but the facts are there. And it is often forgotten that not only Jewish people died in the camps but also Rom, twins, and lots of German people
I watched the 1969 Moon Landing live at school. Australia made the broadcast possible as you would know.
Here is the official NASA Video/ enjoy!
yes, I saw it too. I was 8 at the time. But I also saw the film Capricorn one and read the comments Kubrick made. And why does Nasa have no proof whatsoever? nothing at all. The rock they sent to the Netherlands turned out to be petrified wood. I am not saying yes or no. But it has certainly risen doubts. And why can they no longer do it now? they say they don't have the technology anymore - quatch. Of course they had several accidents, but there was the Apollo with Grissom (who seriously doubted they would be able to do this, and they died in it indeed. He said, if this communication system is working all the way to the moon that be a miracle because it is not working to the next city block). Didn't we all see the towers go up in flames with a plane sticking out? That was not what it was, either. So, I got serious doubts !
Actually , it’s very easy to believe that nuclear weapons from exist as no one would be able to live in either of these two Japanese cities for years and years and years according to physics. They seem to reproduce just fine and have no more cancer in any other population of people in fact I believe they have less cancer because of their diets of omega-3. Not to mention tourists are now inhabiting the bikini islands where they claim to drop tons and tons of nuclear weapons which in reality were nothing more than TNT. Had nuclear weapons been dropped on Japan why is it that many many concrete structures still stood yet all the wood structures were burned to the ground ? This is reminiscent of firebombing which was ubiquitous and not only Japan but all Europe and if you look at photographs from firebombing and compare them to Hiroshima and Nagasaki you cannot tell the difference those two cities were fire bombed .. Nuclear weapons are a lie to keep the sheep in fear just like viruses
The same can be said of Chernobyl. Plants and animals are thriving people are living there I have not seen one three eyed Russian walking around ever 😁
it seems that some animals even developed resistance to cancer. Bodies are miracles on legs !
Well if you live right, eat raw animal food , strength train , sleep, and master your mind to think good thoughts you should never get cancer even if you’ve been directly poison you will be that strong, that vital . The explorer arctic explorer Stephenson wrote a book “cancer disease of civilization”. He never saw any cancer among the Eskimo, either did Albert Schweitzer as long as they stay to their traditional diet and their traditional mindset . Modern human beings have been so weakened body mind and spirit from every vector It is a wonder that our species are still here
If you look at the old footage of one of the alleged atomic bombs being dropped on the Japan and pay very close attention you will see two mushroom cloud s! Oh wait a minute excuse me I thought only one bomb was dropped ? Fire bombs
and one more thing about all the footage if you watch those old 1950s footage of so-called nuclear tests that were shown on live TV so the people watching them only got to see them once you will notice all of those houses being blown away and those trees are nothing more than models not real houses not real trees. 1950s versions of Deepthi. Some of the explosions were actually nothing more than the rising Sun !!! This is very obvious when you’re able to replay it and slow it down. If nuclear weapons and nuclear test really existed why would they need to fake it with little house models ????? They would not . So go ahead Mr. demented president press the red button nothings gonna happen except your butler will show up with your diapers
Michael Palmer has support for his bizarre theory from folks in the MFM due to his membership of Doctors for Covid Ethics alongside Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi.
It seems few people believe government reports anymore, even ones written 80 years ago by eminent intellectuals like Bronowski.
Yes, it is so very sad and infuriating that such people get airtime.