Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bomb Victims and Radiation Damaged Descendants Deserve Respect
Sickening posts claiming no Atomic Bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are most likely motivated by proponents of Nuclear Subs, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Genocide and Power Plants.
Could not believe my eyes when I opened a post praising the work of someone called Michael Palmer who in his 2020 book “Hiroshima Revisited” claims that the carnage in two cities in Japan in 1945 was the result of “conventional” weapons.
Interested readers might like to look at facts published by the US, Australian and other governments on Radiation effects from the blasts.
I lived in Japan for 3 years and discussed the ongoing intergenerational damage in descendants of survivors, including my friends.
Here is a summary of the impact of the Atomic Bombs effects as measured by famous Jewish scientist Jacob Bronowski who was part of the experimental team who wanted to work out the effects on Property and People, comparing Deaths and Injuries that their model included for average homes in Britain and Japan.1
The Members of the British Mission to Japan, who were under the direction of the Chiefs of Staff, were:
Professor W. N. Thomas, M.A., D.PhiL, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.I.B.A.
Dr. J. Bronowski, M.A., Ph.D.
D. C. Bum, M.A., M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E.
J. B. Hawker, A.R.I.B.A.
H. Elder, L.R.I.B.A.
P. A. Badland, B.Sc, A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Struct.E.
R. W. Sevan, B.Sc.
F. H. Pavry, B.Sc, A.M.Inst.C.E.
F. Walley. B.Sc, A.M.Inst.C.E.
O. C. Young, B.Sc, A.M.Inst.C.E.
Dr. S. Parthasarathy, D.Sc, F.Inst.P., F.RJ.C
Iieut.-Conimander A. D. Evans, B.A. (R.N.V.R.)
Colonel O. M. Solandt, M.D., M.R.C.P. (Canadian Army)
Group Captain A. E. Dark, C.B.E.
Squadron Leader R. G. Whitehead, D.F.C.. B.A.
Group Captain F. G. S. Mitchell, O.B.E.
It is interesting that the US public version of the report is redacted, compared to the copy I have. So I will provide a few quotes from my copy.
69. The process of atomic fission gives rise to radio-activity in three ways :
First is the release of penetrating particles (neutrons) and radiation, which are directly harmful to human beings.
Second are the new products into which fission breaks the constituent material, either Uranium 235 or Plutonium 239. These fission products are themselves radio-active.
Third are materials which, penetrated by the released neutrons, become radio-active in their turn.
70. Of these effects, as they were produced by the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagaski, those due to the action of neutrons, either directly or indirectly, were probably the least important. Neutrons did affect human beings, for Japanese scientists found induced radio-activity in the phosphorus of their bones ; but the scale of the effect does not appear to have been comparable with that produced by penetrating radiation. Similarly, such radio-activity as was detected in the ground was probably in the main not induced by neutrons.
Radioactive 3 Months after the Blasts
71. At the time of the visit of the Mission, three months after the bombing, there were areas which remained radio-active both an Hiroshima and in Nagasaki. But the amount of radio-activity was trivial then, and had been so soon after the bomb exploded. For example, cases are known of people in both cities who worked near the centre of damage from the afternoon of the bombing without ill effect. And in spite of stories to the contrary, plant life was flourishing in both cities. Thus residual radio-activity is not a danger from these bombs exploded at such heights. The small amounts of radio-activity which remained in both cities were the result of the fall of a small fraction of the radio-active fission products. In fact, the radio-active areas in each city lie downwind from the explosion ; and Japanese physicists had identified three known fission products in deposits in Hiroshima. It was foreseen that, from bombs exploded at these heights, the amount of fission products which would fall on the cities would be insignificant. From bombs burst at lower heights, however, the ground, and particularly rough ground, would receive markedly greater amounts of these products, in quantities which might leave it dangerously radio-active for days or longer.
Gamma Rays
72. The most important radio-active action at Hiroshima and Nagasaki appears to have been that from penetrating radiation. The exact make-up of this is unknown, and for convenience all this radiation will be summarily called gamma rays. Its effect is to cause injuries which, so far as can yet be judged, are analogous to but more severe than those caused by over-exposure to X-rays.
For the description of these effects, and the bulk of kindred material in this report, the Mission is indebted to the Medical Section of the Joint Commission for the Investigation of the Effects of the Atomic Bomb, which will ultimately publish a more detailed and more accurate report than this interim statement.
Delayed Deaths
73. The gamma rays were very penetrating, and passed through the skin without affecting it. As a result, those exposed to gamma rays, if they were protected from flashburn and from indirect injury, showed no immediate ill effect. Even those severely irradiated probably did not show the characteristic symptoms, nausea, vomiting and fever, for 24 hours, and rarely died in less than one week. These first symptoms were followed by bloody diarrhoea, occurring most frequently in the second week, at which time loss of appetite and general malaise also became marked. Patients began to lose their hair after the first week.
Blood Diseases Killed
74. Thereafter, in the severe cases, the clinical picture came to be dominated by signs of deficient blood formation. This effect on the blood is indirect, and therefore delayed : the gamma rays do not attack the cells in the blood-stream, but the primitive cells in the bone marrow, from which most of the different types of cells in the blood are formed. Therefore serious effects begin to appear only as the fully-formed cells already in the blood die off gradually and naturally, and are not replaced as they would be normally by new cells formed in the bone marrow. In severe cases, it was apparent that the gamma rays had virtually killed the entire bone marrow.In such cases, all three types of cells formed in the marrow became deficient : red cells, platelets, and white cells (granulocytes). As red cell formation ceased, the patientbegan to suffer from progressive anaemia. As platelet formation ceased the thin blood seeped in small and large haemorrhages into the skin and the retina of the eye, and sometimes into the intestines and the kidneys. The fall in the number of white cells, which was useful in diagnosing mild cases because it could be detected by taking blood counts, in severe cases lowered resistance, so that the patient inevitably fell prey to some infection, usually spreading from the mouth and accompanied by gangrene of the lips, the tongue, and sometimes the throat. Death in these cases was the result of a combination of anaemia, internal bleeding, and infection.Deaths probably began in about a week after the explosion, reached a peak in about three weeks, and had for the most part ceased after six to eight weeks.
Death versus Distance in the Experiments
75. The distances at which these effects were felt are not easy to determine.
It is thought that gamma rays ultimately caused the death of nearly everyone who was fully exposed to them up to a distance of 1 mile from the centre of damage. A figure can be obtained for the 50 per cent, chance of survival, from the evidence of two groups of workers who had been brought into Hiroshima from an outlying village, and who were working in the open but screened by wooden buildings at 1,200 yards from the centre of damage. Of the total of 198 men, 6 were killed immediately by debris and 95 of the survivors subsequently died, it is believed all from the effects of gamma rays. Allowing for some small protection afforded by the wooden buildings, it is estimated that people in the open have a 50 per cent, chance of surviving the effects of gamma rays at 1 mile from the centre of damage. As regards lesser effects, loss of hair was recorded up to 1.? miles from the centre of damage, and some doctors felt that the milder forms of radiation sickness, more difficult to diagnose, may have extended to 2 miles.
Radiation penetrated Buildings and Killed
76. The gamma rays are capable of penetrating considerable thicknesses of building and other material. They thereby pose new problems of protection, the scope of which is not yet fully understood, and is best illustrated by examples.
An unusually strong three-storey reinforced concrete building at Hiroshima, less than 250 yards from the centre of damage, contained 23 people whose fate can be traced. The building remained structurally undamaged, and none of these people was killed immediately ; nearly all had some lesser injuries from debris and fire, but were able to walk to hospital for treatment. Subsequently, between the sixth and the seventeenth day after the explosion, 21 of these people died, probably all from the effects of gamma rays. The two survivors were in the telephone room on the ground floor, where they were shielded by all the floors and possibly by adjacent buildings.
In a five-storey reinforced concrete building 700 yards from the centre of damage, gamma rays caused many deaths on the fourth and fifth floors and a few on the third, but killed no one below this who was screened by all the higher floors.
A partly underground concrete shelter less than 1 mile from the centre of damage had no gamma ray casualties, or indeed any but minor debris injuries.
At distances approaching 1 mile from the centre of damage, less massive buildings began to protect from gamma rays. For example in the City Hall of Hiroshima, at this distance, there were no deaths from gamma rays and at most 6 mild cases of radiation sickness.
Only tentative conclusions can yet be drawn from this and similar information.
Immediate Miscarriages and Deformaties
77. The effects of gamma rays on human reproduction necessarily form a long-term study, which will continue for some years. Of the effects already detected, the most striking are those on pregnancies at all stages from two months onwards. At distances up to 1,000 yards from the centre of damage, pregnant women who survived have had miscarriages. At distances up to miles from the centre of damage, pregnant women who survived have had either miscarriages or premature infants who died very soon. Even beyond this range, up to nearly 2 miles, only about one-third of pregnant women have given birth to what appear to be normal children. Two months after the explosion miscarriages, abortions, and premature births throughout Hiroshima were nearly five times as frequent as in normal times, and formed more than one quarter of all deliveries.
Sperm Counts Decreased
78. Sperm counts made in Hiroshima show that a high proportion of men exposed to gamma rays, up to perhaps 1 mile from the centre of damage, have reduced powers of reproduction. Gamma rays also stopped menstruation in women ; but this condition was so common throughout Japan, it is thought as a result of war-time diet and overwork, that no conclusions regarding its permanence can yet be drawn.
Counting the Dead compared to London
84. Disasters as vast as those which befell Hiroshima and Nagasaki are difficult to fix in numbers. Most of the city records were destroyed, many public servants were killed, and in the chaos which followed little note was taken of the fate of individuals when the population was in mass flight. The Mission had to content itself with estimating from such records as were available that the number of people killed in Hiroshima lay between 70,000 and 90,000. Since then the Occupying Authority have published official figures for Hiroshima, of 78,150 dead, as well as 13,983 still missing. For comparison, the number of those killed by air attack during the whole war in London was 30,000, and the number of those killed throughout Great Britain, including London, was 60,000.
85. The number of those killed by a bomb depends on the number and whereabouts of those exposed to it. Therefore the number of dead is only a crude measure of the effects of the atomic bomb ; a better measure is given by the percentages of those at various distances from the explosion who died.
It was possible to estimate these from comparatively good records which exist of the whereabouts in Hiroshima and of the subsequent fate of about 15,000 school-children. Few of these were actually in school when the bomb fell, for most were scattered through the city in groups doing a variety of war jobs ; so that it is believed that they form a representative sample of people going about their normal work in the city, some in the open, others in buildings giving varying protection. The Mission’s interpretation of the records of the fate of these children is as follows :
Experience in Great Britain has shown that in conventional raids children, of school age are neither appreciably more nor appreciably less vulnerable to bombing than are adults. It is therefore reasonable to apply this table equally to adults.
Little Boy replica proudly displayed by US Navy
Killed little Girls, Boys and Fetuses, their parents, the aged and infirm.2 Caused intergeneration Genetic Diseases.
Breast Cancers from the Atomic Bombs
US Government study.3
Cataract caused by the Atomic Bombs
US Government study.4
Birth Defects caused by the Atomic Bombs
US Government study.5
Please add your comments.
Jacob Bronowski et al. 1950. NP-1156. Reproduced direct from copyas submitted to this office. UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Technical lnformation Division. ORE, AEC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The Effects of the Atomic Bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Report of the British Mission to Japan. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/4430289
Histologic review of breast cancer cases in survivors of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
Ophthalmologic survey of atomic bomb survivors in Japan, 1949. Atomic bomb radiation cataract case report with histopathologic study. Medical examination of Hiroshima patients with radiation cataracts (in Japanese and English)
Statistical analysis of longitudinal growth data on adolescents exposed in utero to the atomic bombs, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Final report, January 1, 1971--February 29, 1972
It seems that there is no position that is too absurd to believe for a small minority of folks.
Michael Palmer has support for his bizarre theory from folks in the MFM due to his membership of Doctors for Covid Ethics alongside Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi.
It seems few people believe government reports anymore, even ones written 80 years ago by eminent intellectuals like Bronowski.