Interesting that you mention a smell that attracts mosquitoes. I am one of these mosquito magnets and wonder if this might be connected to a body odour. I had this from childhood on.
Also interesting would be, to test sniff dogs with the odours of injected and un-injected people.. I wonder if they would be able to sniff them out. I read that dogs trained for it can smell some illnesses.
Since people infected with covid -- before there were any vaccines -- reported losing their sense of taste and smell, I assumed that the altered taste and smell in the vaccinated was part of this. Maybe that's the wrong inference. Do we have a description somewhere of what the alterations smelt/tasted like? It would be good if we could point at some symptoms and say 'likely endotoxin', but am I correct in assuming that there is too much variation in symptoms for this to be possible?
Many people infected with Covid19 have their Gut lining breached allowing a flood of Endotoxin. There are studies relating to survival prognosis as a function of their serum Endotoxin.
One of the papers I cited looked at West Nile Virus jabs.
Interesting that you mention a smell that attracts mosquitoes. I am one of these mosquito magnets and wonder if this might be connected to a body odour. I had this from childhood on.
Also interesting would be, to test sniff dogs with the odours of injected and un-injected people.. I wonder if they would be able to sniff them out. I read that dogs trained for it can smell some illnesses.
Since people infected with covid -- before there were any vaccines -- reported losing their sense of taste and smell, I assumed that the altered taste and smell in the vaccinated was part of this. Maybe that's the wrong inference. Do we have a description somewhere of what the alterations smelt/tasted like? It would be good if we could point at some symptoms and say 'likely endotoxin', but am I correct in assuming that there is too much variation in symptoms for this to be possible?
Many people infected with Covid19 have their Gut lining breached allowing a flood of Endotoxin. There are studies relating to survival prognosis as a function of their serum Endotoxin.
One of the papers I cited looked at West Nile Virus jabs.
I was in contact with a bloke in Queensland that swore he could smell the vaxxed and said they reeked to him.