Fluoride Poisons Your Pineal Gland
Few people can point to their Pineal Gland, or know the function of "The Third Eye"
Posted this as a teaser while banned from Twitter.
Now that Elon Musk is intercepting it, time to add a few notes.
My good friend and anti-Fluoridation campaigner, Emeritus Professor of Dentistry Hardy Limeback was invited to spend 3 years of his life reviewing Fluoride Toxicology for a book ultimately published by the US National Research Council in 2006.
He was part of an eminent team. You can get instant free download of the 467 page review here.1
There is a section on the Pineal Gland containing this summary Table that shows it was well known in 1956 that Fluoride toxicity was striking prepubescent Children. Later work by Jennifer Luke showed that there is continuous increase in Fluoride content of the Gerbil Pineal Gland, resulting in disruption of key hormones manifested by early menarche in females and smaller testes on males. Luke followed up by examining Human Pineals. Get her 17 MB document here.2
Melatonin from the Pineal Gland is vital
Melatonin generated in response to light impact in your eyes has far reaching effects as nicely illustrated.
It travels down your Cerebrospinal network connecting effects on numerous organs.
Upset of Melatonin balance linked to Schizophrenia in 2019.
I will be back with more.
Elon Musk is imposing a filter interception on this post. So thanks to anyone arriving here via Twitter.
Just wanted to add that the admin in the MRI GADOLINIUM TOXICITY ILLNESSES GROUP, a private Facebook group, finally approved your article:
Thank you!