Bitter lol. For the last 4 years I've told the anyone that would listen "they'll be no hero's but ourselves". To read this knowing what I have believed and expressed is still depressing Geoff but it changes nothing.

The population is the key not the individual, wake them up or drown under them.

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No one will be prosecuted. We won't see anyone hang. Fauci is driven around with a private chauffeur and paid millions in security. The people who once tried to get to the truth are being bribed, blackmailed, threatened or killed. Nothing will happen. Like Damon states, the best we can do is wake up as many as possible - to my surprise a few very jabby friends turned to the truth, even though some still go for more jabs! They know the truth but live the lies. But at least, they know. I don't think they will fall for a next scam.

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“ Do you want to know the truth?”

“ You can’t handle the truth!”

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