Florida Grand Jury Final Report makes no recommendations for Prosecution
I had high hopes and tried to get a submission lodged, but the announcement today shows the 2-year sitting had a very low level of scientific input. A farce.
Sickening Introduction
COVID-19 vaccines were a triumph of science, technology and public health that saved countless lives.
It gets worse if you have the stomach to read
I skimmed through the report and came over ridiculous statements that prompted me to post this reply to Governor Ron DeSantis as he announced release of the Florida Grand Jury Final Report.1
See my old article.2
On Page 106 I found the trigger for my astonishment.
This Grand Jury heard testimony from multiple witnesses concerning DNA contamination, including testimony that excess template DNA could become incorporated into the genome of the recipient, causing any number of problems. We must separate what we know to be fact from what we can merely speculate.
There is excess template DNA in Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines.
That is a fact. The residual or excess DNA does not serve a therapeutic purpose. We also know that vaccine lots vary in the levels of excess DNA.
Just like a carrot that has been grown in the dirt, the rnRNA inside these vaccines is (metaphorically) "grown" in DNA.
Just like a carrot will always have some dirt on it, no matter how hard they are scrubbed, the rnRNA vaccines will always have some leftover template DNA in them.
The more important question, however, is whether this should be cause for concern. Eating a little dirt from time to time is generally not harmful,
but nibbling on the occasional piece of lead could have significant long-term health consequences. Is the residual DNA more like dirt or is it more like lead?
The simple answer is that it looks like residual DNA contamination does not appear to be causing any direct or obvious harms, but nobody knows for sure.
Multiple witnesses we heard from expressed concerns about this phenomenon, but we found no studies demonstrating clinical outcomes that could be reliably attributed to DNA contamination. On the other hand, there is a lot about this technology that we don't know, and none of the witnesses who we spoke to were able to definitively dispel our concerns. After all, there have been therapeutics that were associated with detrimental outcomes years, sometimes even decades, after they were approved for marketing.
Without direct evidence, however, this Grand Jury cannot draw any conclusions, but we do believe further research in this area-especially research that is able to causally associate DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines with specific clinical outcomes-would be valuable for public health.
Witnesses Spewed Nonsense
On Page 5 of the Final Report I found a real gem!
Most experts accepted remuneration, but some of them did not.
Many of our testifying experts offered cogent, prepared, valuable insights that advanced our understanding of important issues; a few of them spewed nonsense and wasted our valuable time.
Regardless of the contents or the valence of their testimony, however, we paid them.
The rest of the report plumbs new depths of mediocrity.
So sad.
20 MB pdf here:
Bitter lol. For the last 4 years I've told the anyone that would listen "they'll be no hero's but ourselves". To read this knowing what I have believed and expressed is still depressing Geoff but it changes nothing.
The population is the key not the individual, wake them up or drown under them.
No one will be prosecuted. We won't see anyone hang. Fauci is driven around with a private chauffeur and paid millions in security. The people who once tried to get to the truth are being bribed, blackmailed, threatened or killed. Nothing will happen. Like Damon states, the best we can do is wake up as many as possible - to my surprise a few very jabby friends turned to the truth, even though some still go for more jabs! They know the truth but live the lies. But at least, they know. I don't think they will fall for a next scam.