I will be expanding this article, adding numerous references in the next day or so.

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Just came across this study and thought you might appreciate it:

Lustig S, Danenberg HD, Kafri Y, Kobiler D, Ben-Nathan D. Viral neuroinvasion and encephalitis induced by lipopolysaccharide and its mediators. J Exp Med. 1992 Sep 1;176(3):707-12.

"The present study was designed to test the effect of bacterial endotoxin on penetration of viruses into the central nervous system (CNS). As a model we used two neurovirulent viruses that lack neuroinvasive capacity: West Nile virus-25 (WN-25) and neuroadapted Sindbis virus (SVN). ... We suggest that LPS can contribute to virus penetration from the blood into the CNS, a process which turns a mild viral infection into a severe lethal encephalitis. This effect is mediated by soluble factors, and is probably achieved by injury to cerebral microvascular endothelium and modulation of BBB permeability."

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Excellent find, thanks very much.

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Most interesting & well documented reading, thanks for your work once again!

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