Ty Geoff for pointing out that this serum contains the eternal kidney cells of HEK 293, a little girl who was torn from her mothers womb in Belgium in 1973. Taking the blood of an innocent child in order to stay alive is a satanic ritual, in my book it is totally inhuman and totally unacceptable!

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Excellent as always. Funny, I just read Dr. Ana’s Substack and apparently she’s promoting the stuff. I always defer to your expertise!

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yes I have been following her for a while, and she seems to do it every 2 weeks. Because she is rather a doom thinker I quit following her. Also, she wrote a book a while ago and that is some weird stuff ! I hope it did not get to her head !

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I hope Dr. Ana (and others) is also wrong about the GO being in injectable dental anesthetics, as I’ve had to have dental procedures in the past two years.

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The evidence presented links harms to the combination of EDTA and the spike adenovirus.

Are there harms from EDTA - particularly 'chelation therapy' - in absence of the astrazeneca product?

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Yes, people have been killed by EDTA intravenous treatment as I have covered in the other articles.

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Thanks. I am chatting with a nutter who imagines he's poisoned by heavy metals and he's currently munching EDTA daily. I have some interest in finding a concise reference on the dangers of what he's doing.

But on the other hand, it's his body.

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Please let me know how your nutter reacts to


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I notice your post attributes a handful of deaths to EDTA injections: is that a strong statistical signal? Have you shown that death by injection is equivalent to the 'chelation therapy' people undertake via ingestion?

I notice in another post you claim: "None of the injectable covid products contain GO". An accurate statement would have been: "None of the covid injections have been verifiably proven to contain GO, and several samples have been proven not to contain GO."

You've made one claim with extremely weak supporting evidence, and formulated another one as a logical fallacy. This kind of product would have gotten an undergrad a D- in my day.


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I had read it had been withdrawn thsnks for providing the why

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That would be a thanks 😊

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Just subscribed. I kept wondering why I never seem to get your posts in my inbox. I thought it was some sort of substack conspiracy and realized today it’s because I never bothered subscribing and have been reading you posts through links in comments.

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I forgive you, welcome aboard.

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It had been on MSM in Germany these days- blindness due to microclottings. AZ had been restricted to various age groups and then not been applied silently. Same with J&J. nonetheless they got the standard marketing authorization by EMA, like Moderna and BNT.

In the early days of the "pandemic" a experienced coroner did authopsies (he just ignored the german RKI (CDC)) and found out that all "Covid" deaths had severe diseases and what led ultimatedly to their deaths had been thrombotic causes. His findings had not resulted in any rational conlusions how to deal with it as far as I know (in my view, they wanted as many deaths as possible to justify lockdowns, cenorship, maskin etc. ...the only conclusion that makes sense. sadly). Do you know of Prof. Burkhardt? He says, he is able to differentiate between the spike proteins caused by the shots and the ones coused by the virus. I don't understand the technics behind it, is this possible?

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Thanks, I will look at the stain that Prof Arne Burkhardt uses for Spike Protein and report back.

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Didn’t Dr. Meryl Nass also recommend EDTA IV Chelation to detox the jab? And they say it’s important to get it via IV vs. capsules. Wow. Glad I didn’t follow their advice. Thank you for sharing your insights.

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Beware: They estimate 50% of all peer reviewed medical papers are authored by corrupted Scientists and Doctors paid to write a false narrative in particular in countering papers critiquing a harmful medicine such as prempo, provera + premerin (proven cancer causing hormonal drugs which increased chance of breast cancer 141% etc) used to treat menopause in woman. Furthermore there is a plethora of papers trying to disparage alternative holistic medicine. I use to laugh at the AMA;s attack on Vitamin C and Vitamin E because, while they were performing their deed the famous Mayo Clinic (conventional Medical facility) had about 25,000 positive result papers on both Vitamin C and Vitamin E combined. EDTA was vehemently attacked at the time Dr Levines had EDTA adjudicated and WON. AMA and their minions were , spitting fire mad, tenaciously opposed to EDTA thus knowing the roto rooter type treatnent of the arteries and veins would decrease the amount lucrative heart operations. I say no coincidence the FDA was trying to make NAC illegal at the inception of the Covid Sars Scam knowing that NAC would modulate and chelate harmful components in the Vaxx with a growing number of scientist claiming SARS has never been identified. BEWARE any time an alternative holistic medicine (which can't be patented and a profit derived from it) is attacked. Almost all of the tine it us a false claim in an attempt to have them jettison from the shelf so BIG PHARA AMA and all the baby AMA's could profit: Read The Cancer Industry by Ralph Moss Phd who was the science writer for cancer hospital Sloane Kettering. Dr Moss left there (quit) in disgust when their loaded medical board (every single one was from the pharmaceutical companies) quashed Laetrile even though THEY KNEW THAT LAETRILE WAS EFFECTIVE AGAINST CANCER !

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Some estimate there are approximately 20 million dead worldwide from a planned out long ago Bioweapon. Mr Martin found patents about 20 years old so they could profit duting the fake pandemic culling of Human Beings.

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It was a DOCTOR named Dr Levine, who I met twice, practicing in Manhatten, N.Y. who spent one million dollars of his own money fighting the mafia style medical tribunals who were challenging Dr Levine who was a proponent for Chelation (EDTA Therapy). Result DR Levine won in NY. I believe he was referred to as the Father of Chelation Therapy. My Farther went through about 25 Chelation therapy (EDTA) sessions in the 1990's with I believe Dr Fischer also in NY City, My Father died in 2022 at 92 years old. I am going to present article to, and you will laugh, an internationally known Master Herbologist/Nutritionist who has rare comprehensive 3D type understanding of human body who is also probably the best cancer healer in the world and gets invited to many Dr Conferences even though he is not a Doctor. I want to see his opinion. By the way he keot my Mother aive for 15 years without the us of Chemo and radiation.

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Does this mean that every person who got the AZ shot will eventually be killed by it? I know a few people who got that brand of poison- despite my many warnings.

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We know that the majority of pople who received AstraZeneca jabs suffered adverse reactions. Some include autoimmune diseases that can progress to death.

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Frightening isn’t it. I often think of what Professor Dolores Cahill said in 2021- those who got the jab, not the saline solution, will have 2-3 years to live if they’re over 70 and 5-10 years to live if you’re 30-40.

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