Thank you for your great research in bringing this information to public attention. How are we to make informed decisions without the appropriate information. Of course, that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

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Respectfully, I would say anyone with high IL-6, such as myself, has such due to a toxicant, whether that be the toxic mRNA shots, or in my case, due to toxic mold/mycotoxin exposure. Specifically, as to toxic mold/mycotoxin exposure, approximately 25% of the population - perhaps even more, lack the genes to properly detoxify, and Dr. Gupta of Australia has opined that 20% of the population has a health condition due to toxic mold/mycotoxin exposure. After doing much research, I have found that everything from cancer, to Alzheimer's, to arthritis, to mental disorder, to endocrine disorder, to cardiac condition can result from toxic mold/mycotoxin exposure. Combine that with these novel shots, people leaving their homes less so those in water-damaged homes are further sickened and it's no wonder the death rate is skyrocketing as well as the rate of other so-called diseases. Never would I get chemotherapy. It's crazy LDN isn't used more to treat high inflammation, which is far safer and has fewer side effects than chemotherapy. Better yet, natural things such as turmeric also treat inflammation.

I wonder if these deadly drugs you discuss here are the same monoclonal antibody treatments the likes of Dr. McCullough presented as beneficial, which by the way, in large part are made from fetal tissue, much like many harmful and deadly shots. Also, how the heck were they using Sarilumab/Kevzara when the drug manufacturer previously said the drug wasn't helpful for COVID? https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/09/01/business/sanofi-halts-tests-arthritis-drug-treating-covid-19/ It is mind-boggling why this drug in particular is allowed to be used for anything at all.

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Thanks Jennifer. The "McCullough Protocol" for Covid19 includes Monoclonal Antibody Injection/Infusion.

Mycotoxin is as you say a huge problem and IL-6 features prominently on the US CTD website.


Best of Health to you.

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Thanks for the link to that site…I’m trying to make sense of it…really proves mold causes so many problems. It’s very helpful as I am working to educate others, particularly other professionals and lobby for changes in the law.

The fact I am smarter than most lawyers and doctors despite brain injury from toxins shows with God all things really are possible!

I feel like I will be smarter than Einstein when I am toxin-free LOL! :)

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May be the list of illnesses not caused by it would be shorter! To think this is still out there is just horrible. And that govt still promotes it. Talking about ostriches with their heads in the sand!

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