Czechia Pfizer Covid19 Jabs and Harms
Recent Substack posts have stated Pfizer Jabbing in Czechia "Czech Republic" is less toxic than Moderna. I have assembled some data that might complement them.
Wikipedia gives much useful information on the Czech Republic Covid19 timeline, Mask and Jab Mandates and Lockdowns.1
Let’s start by looking at Covid19 Cases and Deaths in Czechia over time.2
First death reported: a 95-year-old man on 22 March 2020.
Pfizer looked at the spread of Covid19 in Czechia compared to the rest of the world to 16 January 2022.
and update to 5 April 2022.
We can see that Czechia suffered a much higher Covid19 Mortality rate than UK or Europe.
Jab brands used in Czechia
Now we can compare all the diferent Covid19 Jab Brands used in Czechia versus Europe over time.3 We see Pfizer dominated with about 10 times the number of Jabbees compared to Moderna.
We see 14 different brands were used, but Pfizer dominated the market from the very beginning.
We can look at Pfizer’s own records of its jabs from their Periodic Safety Update Reports. To 18 December 2021 we see the age distribution and this will include people multiply jabbed with the vulnerable elderly given priority.
An update in PSUR3 to 18 June 2022 for Dose 3 in Czechia
Note no 4th Doses had been given.
Pfizer serious summarized case numbers for Czechia in its PSUR1
Anaphylactic reaction 16
Vaccination failure 4
Cardiovascular AESIs 9
Facial Paralysis 2
AESIs 16
Musculoskeletal AESIs 32
Other 76
Respiratory AESIs 3
Medication error 87
Pfizer serious summarized case numbers for Czechia in it PSUR2
Myocarditis 10
pericarditis 2
Cardiovascular AESIs 253
Hepatic AESIs 10
Musculoskeletal AESIs 1048
Neurological AESIs 63
Other AESIs 1655
Patients with Comorbidities 1788
Use in Immunocompromised Patients 499
Use in Frail Patients with Comorbidities 1058
Adverse Reactions to Pfizer higher than expected by March 2021
An early survey of Healthcare workers in Czechia reported higher than expected Adverse Reactions.4
Here is their Table 6 showing Adverse Reactions.
Healthy Vaccinee Effect (HVE)
In May 2024 an analysis of 2 sets of Czech Health Records January 2021-December 20225 showed that Jab efficacy had been overestimated due to the HVE.
For example, the authors state:
Figure 1 shows the all-cause mortality, not COVID-related mortality. Since only approx. 14% of all deaths over the study period were COVID-related (37,000 out of 269,000 deaths) it was impossible for the vaccine to have had such an effect on all-cause mortality. The findings become even more paradoxical when periods of high and low COVID intensity are analyzed separately (Figure 2).
Here is their Figure 2.
We see for those aged 80+ that 862 Unjabbed people died compared to 1,815 Jabbed who died.
VAERS reports from Czechia
As you might recall the EU demanded details of VAERS reports be deleted but I have preserved some. Here is a small sample with collected symptoms:
Janssen VAERS
VAERS : 1976571
23-year-old breastfeeding Jabbed 15 Nov 2021
Influenza like illness, Maternal exposure during breast feeding, Pyrexia
VAERS : 1976573
36-year-old Jabbed 24 Nov 2021
flu-like symptoms (chills, shivering, fever, muscle and joint pain), inspiratory pain, left shoulder pain at the site of vaccination, tingling sensation in left side extremities, diarrhoea, strange feeling in left side extremities, and head pain patient recovered from flu-like symptoms, and inspiratory pain on 27-NOV-2021, shoulder pain on NOV-2021, diarrhoea on 01-DEC-2021, and head pain on 30-NOV-2021, recovered with sequelae from tingling of extremity on 03-DEC-2021, had not recovered from feeling strange, and the outcome of exposure during breast feeding was not reported.
Pfizer VAERS Czechia
VAERS : 0971334
41-year-old female Jabbed 11 Jan 2021
15 Minutes after Jab
the patient experienced sensation of numbness spreading to the neck, breathing difficulty, felt faint, strong anxiety, tingling of extremities, weakness, nausea, tingling of left arm, hyperventilation and jaw stiffness sensation.
Anaphylactic reaction, Anxiety, Asthenia, Blood pressure increased, Blood pressure measurement, Dizziness, Dyspnoea, Erythema, Heart rate, Hyperventilation, Hypoaesthesia, Joint stiffness, Nausea, Oxygen saturation, Paraesthesia
VAERS : 0994410
19-year-old female Jabbed 14 January 2021
The patient experienced collapse - anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine in the morning on the following day after the vaccination
Afterwards, she was suffered sleepiness. 4 days after the Jab she suffered from headache and rhinitis.
Anaphylactic reaction, Body temperature, COVID-19, Circulatory collapse, Drug ineffective, Headache, Pyrexia, Rhinorrhoea,
SARS-CoV-2 test, Somnolence
VAERS : 1001723
54-year-old female Jabbed 6 January 2021.
Same day allergic reaction or neurasthenia -
sudden development of palpitation, chest pressure, syncope, increased perspiration, peripheral coldness, tongue tingling, throat constriction, dry mouth, lower limbs tremor, urticaria on the chest and neck. Lab test was performed on 06Jan2021 with following pathological findings: blood potassium: hypokalaemia 3.3 mmol/L, serum glucose: hyperglycaemia 6.8 mmol/L, leukocyte count: leukocytosis 10.9 x10^9/l. The patient was hospitalized for allergic reaction, neurasthenia, palpitation, chest pressure, syncope, tongue tingling, throat constriction.
Asthenia, Blood glucose, Blood potassium, Chest discomfort, Dry mouth, Hyperglycaemia, Hyperhidrosis, Hypersensitivity, Hypokalaemia, Leukocytosis, Palpitations, Paraesthesia oral, Peripheral coldness, Syncope, Throat tightness, Tremor, Urticaria, White blood cell count
Moderna VAERS Czechia
VAERS : 1573793
30-year-old female Jabbed 3 March 2021
On 03-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (COVID 19 Vaccine Moderna) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 31-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273.
Same day 31-Mar-2021 She experienced MENSTRUATION IRREGULAR (seriousness criterion medically significant).
On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced BACK PAIN (seriousness criteria disability and medically significant). On 21-May-2021, the patient experienced PAIN IN EXTREMITY (seriousness criteria disability and medically significant). At the time of the report, PAIN IN EXTREMITY, MENSTRUATION IRREGULAR and BACK PAIN had not resolved.
VAERS : 1667178
31-year-old female Jabbed 27 July 2021.
Same day 27-Jul-2021, the patient experienced PUNCTURE SITE PAIN. On 03-Aug-2021, the patient experienced CELLULITIS (seriousness criterion medically significant), MYOSCLEROSIS (seriousness criterion medically significant), PUNCTURE SITE SWELLING (seriousness criterion medically significant), LYMPHADENITIS (seriousness criterion medically significant) and LYMPHADENOPATHY(seriousness criterion medically significant). At the time of the report, CELLULITIS , MYOSCLEROSIS (Indurace musculus deltoideus), PUNCTURE SITE SWELLING , LYMPHADENITIS and LYMPHADENOPATHY outcome was unknown and PUNCTURE SITE PAIN had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 04-Aug-2021, C-reactive protein: 5 (High) 5 mg/L. On 04-Aug-2021, Ultrasound scan: abnormal (abnormal) redness and warming, marked hyperechogenic inflammatory leakage of skin and subcutaneous tissues.
How many Czechs were Jabbed ?
“Vaccination against COVID-19 in the Czech Republic began on December 27, 2020, with 66.5 percent of the Czechia population vaccinated with at least one dose as of February 26, 2023” according to Statista.6
Eldric Vero displays similar Jabbing coverage in his analysis.
Compare with other Substacks and Resources
Daily Beagle7 Jessica Rose8 Steve Kirsch9 Clare Craig10 EldricVero11
Albert Benavides has produced a special Dashboard for the Czechia data.12
French data deep diver Pierre raises the question of Aged Standardized Mortality Rate needed to assess the Czech database.13
Here is some data on Aged Standardized Mortality data14 for Czechia kindly brought to my attention by David Klemitz.
I will add more material and other links as I find them and look forward to your comments.
31 July 2024 Update
Thanks to henjin for extracting the following last shot Death numbers from the official Czechia data.
Unjabbed 115,901
Pfizer 106,235
Moderna 19,724
AstraZeneca 13,896
Janssen 4,088
Novavax 15
Other 0
As henjin points out we need now to look at the age distribution of Deaths for each brand of jab for the 259,859 unique humans who died in the period covered by the released Czech data.
Our friend Albert just posted his agreement with the Death numbers obtained by henjin and gave us this very useful graphic from his Czech Dashboard.15
Abanoub Riad, Andrea Pokorná, Sameh Attia, Jitka Klugarová, Michal Koščík, Miloslav Klugar. 2021. Prevalence of COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects among Healthcare Workers in the Czech Republic.
TomášFürst, Angelika Bazalová, TadeášFrycák, Jaroslav Janošek. May 2024. Does the healthy vaccinee bias rule them all? Association of COVID-19 vaccination status and all-cause mortality from an analysis of data from 2.2 million individual health records.
I subscribe to 174 substacks, many concerning COVID-19 etc. and I had not seen this most interesting article (ref 5) before:
Does the healthy vaccinee bias rule them all? Association of COVID-19 vaccination status and all-cause mortality from an analysis of data from 2.2 million individual health records
Tomáš Fürst, Angelika Bazalová, Tadeáš Fryčák, Jaroslav Janošek
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2024-02-22
Here is my attempt, without spending a few days on it, at making sense of these observations.
I didn't fully understand their model and their claim that their model reproduced the pattern of observations didn't seem right to me, however, the meaning of the colours in the model Fig 4 are different from those in the observations Fig 2 and I would need to spend an hour or two really analysing this to make sense of it.
Fig S5 (in the supplementary Word file) is of observations and uses the same colours as for Fig 2. Without looking too closely at these few hundred bars, I got the impression that their Fig 3 (bottom section) analysis was correct. This is my attempt at understanding this complex data:
[AA] In Fig 2, low COVID sections, the blue bars (2nd colour - dark blue is for non-injected) mortality rates for those who died 4 weeks or less after their first injection) are significantly lower than those of the uninjected, for all three age groups, by a factor of 3 or more.
This seems to indicate that the injected were inherently much healthier than those who were not - the "healthy vaccinee effect" (HVE).
See also Fig 1 at: If this was a placebo controlled trial, this graph would indicate that the so-called vaccines saved lives. However, it was not, and the entire trend of "vaccinated" deaths could also be explained by weak, zero or even negative "vaccine effectiveness" together with strong HVE due to people who are very old and/or ill, not getting the injections.
A notable feature of this graph is the high death rate in early 2021 for those with their presumably first injection. See CC below.
[BB] The AA effect (here assumed to be HVE) is much stronger for the 60-69 and 70-79 age groups than for the less numerous, and more prone to death at any time, 80+ group.
[CC] Looking at the 60-69 and 70-79 age groups in Fig 2, the second colour (blue) for those who died within 4 weeks of their first injection is 3 to 5 times higher in the high COVID periods than in the low COVID periods. This seems to indicate that the injections drastically weakened the injectees' ability to fight COVID-19 in this period. A likely mechanism is the immune system being overwhelmed by a flood of spike protein appearing in the bloodstream and on numerous cells, with this being much more than in a viral infection which a healthy immune system could strongly suppress. (The immune system can only try to destroy cells with spike proteins after they appear, at great cost to the body in general and necessarily distracting the immune system from destroying COVID-19 viruses.)
This would be a short-term negative "vaccine effectiveness" which in general - or always - was not just ignored in conventional "vaccine effectiveness" studies, but was used to boost the so-called "vaccine effectiveness" by misclassifying (AKA miscategorizing) those deaths as being for people who were "unvaccinated".,, and (from 2021) and
So far, my analysis means that the data shows evidence of strong HVE, that the purported "vaccine effectiveness" figures which would result from placebo-controlled trials is far over-estimated because they misclassify deaths within 4 weeks of the injections, and that we observe these 0 to 4 week from first injection deaths very clearly in the 60-79 age groups.
[DD] Now to the 3rd colour, light blue, in Fig 2, representing deaths of people who had had one injection, more than 4 weeks before dying, but not yet a second injection.
For the low COVID periods, these deaths are 3 or more times the rate of the 0-4 week group, for all three age groups. This can only be explained by a high level of deaths caused by the injections.
If we look at the ratios of these death rates to those of the uninjected, we find that they are higher in high COVID periods than in low COVID periods. Even if the injections did protect infected single-injected people from severe symptoms and death in this 4 weeks and above time after the injection, these higher death rates could still occur due to deaths from the injections themselves.
The data for the 2nd injection - first 4 weeks and after - and for the 3rd injection - first 4 weeks and after - seems to follow a roughly similar pattern, but at this point my analytical capacities are wearing thin.
This extreme negative vaccine effectiveness, regarding all deaths, not just those attributed to COVID-19, can be attributed to direct harmful impacts of the injections and the tolerogenic immune responses which tend to arise when the immune system is assaulted by repeated stimuli of the same kind, which are very strong - indicating that the immune system was not able to suppress them. Also, by early 2022, the initial Omicron variant had supplanted the Delta variant, and the injections had all (ideally) raised (ideally protective, but over time likely tolerogenic) immune responses to the spike protein of the original Wuhan variant which preceded Delta. Actual protection from these injections against Omicron, which probably infected most people, would have been weak.
The orange and red graphs of Fig 3, representing 80+ year olds with the first two injections (orange) and with a third (booster, red) also can be interpreted as waning initial protection due to the passage of time from the injections, their tolerogenic effects and the way the prevalent viral variants evolved to escape immunity generated by the (injection or infection induced) Wuhan version of the spike protein.
I found a couple of Moderna VAERS reports from Czechia and added summaries of how the victims suffered.