Just added a couple more sections with references,

1] Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital giving Children Sugar before procedures for Pain relief by warning contraindications.

2] Sugar in the Jabs probably contributes to the common "Chills" Adverse Reaction reported after jabbing.

Now I have to chase "Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID)"

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Please keep comments focussed on Sugar. Thanks for your understanding.

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April 29, 2023
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Yes, I won't tolerate crap mentioning Graphene or its derivatives, which are not in the jabs. This article is about Sugar, the main ingredient in the jabs.

Other ingredients are known, including the amount of water.


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April 29, 2023
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You have been banned from a number of Substack pages.

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Speaking from a place of innocent ignorance, I first must ask if sugar (dextrose, fructose, etc.) is commonly used as an ingredient in vaccines, in general? Do we know the answer to this?

Second, why WOULD sugar be used as an ingredient (major or otherwise) in injectable products?

My husband and I (kids, not so much 🙄) avoid sugars in our everyday diets because of the known & verified harms they cause to our physiology and overall health. But (again asking from honest ignorance) what effects could INJECTING a sugar-based product directly into the body have?

Lastly, I just want to ask WHY, in general, are we not allowed full disclosure of each and every ingredient along with a factual, scientific answer as to WHY each and every ingredient is included in these injections?

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Sugar is added to the jabs as “cryoprotectant”. When the jab is frozen, the sugar helps to prevent damaging ice crystal formation, so the jab is more like a glass or toffee. Asking WHY and what are the consequences is the way to go. In fact all of the ingredients in the jabs are disclosed but most people don't know where to look. I have listed them in a number of articles. Here is one https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/relative-lethality-of-covid-19-vaccines

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Thank you so much, Geoff. Reading up now!

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Most sugar contains glyphosate residues. So they are injecting organophosphate. Thank you for posting this. Helps explain more mechanisms of action of my Sugar Shift probiotics which converts glucose and fructose to mannitol and breaks down glyphosate.

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this can not be good news for diabetics. I wonder if we should add diabetics dying after the jabs to the died suddenly.

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I am aware of a healthy six-year old boy in Ontario, Canada who died unexpectedly in his sleep at home. The explanation was "too much sugar in the blood".

Related? I do not know, but he was a single child and their miracle child. I cannot begin to imagine the pain.

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Refers to Diabetes, most likely. Only a few milligrams of Sugar in each jab.

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We know that sugar is in fact the AMA's doctor's sweet little helper, just like the adverse side effects of fake vaccines, MO MONEY!

And along with their partners duh lawyers/ attorneys BIG HELL-PER! (and yes I spelled that correctly!) for more suey, suey suitors!

100% FACT: SUGAR is a poison, but it goes IN SWEET, but than does all kind of MOJO to the immune system after it starts it's rampage thru the body of the addicts!

AND YES... sugar uses have the same amount of dopamine uptakes for that addiction as heroin does!

I watched TWO vids on utub, about 1 Month ago, and After CONNED-Summing sugar for 70 PLUS years, I went in and got my 2.2 lbs of RAW ORGANIC sugar, and poured it into the TRASH!

And recycled the container into a spouting jar, since it was "Food Grade Plastic!"

Other wise it would have went in the recycling can!


DONE.... like alcohol!

And I used to do a case a day, or a 5th a day, partying! FOR 30 YEARS ...DONE

Used to smoke unfiltered or roll UR owns, 2 to 3 packs a day .... DONE

Done / Finished like ALL the other drugs.... which means all the way done forever!

NOT that I'm not going to die, but I'm not the one who's going to be doing the KILLING!

SUGAR's sweet side effects......

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2taSMx6394&pp=ygURc3VnYXIgaXMgYSBwb2lzb24%3D

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=touPC69jMsg&pp=ygURc3VnYXIgaXMgYSBwb2lzb24%3D

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_4Q9Iv7_Ao&pp=ygURc3VnYXIgaXMgYSBwb2lzb24%3D

So there is NOT reason NOT to be putting sugar in to FAKE vaccines!

Well not for the Genocidalists anyway! Death is really a "SWEET" deal for them!

Except sugar is kind of like... comes from nature,

QUOTING.... "NO PATENT can anything in it made / or derived from nature in the patent!"


https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/447/303/ <-- case law on patents

So they may say, or others may hint it's sugar, but DUH they also call it a vaccine which it is NOT! ALSO so there is that!

And ALL so-called viruses, and ALL vaccines are ALL PATENTED...





And almost anything MADE IN AMERICA, by any Piggy Pharm's GANG are PATENED including ...




Hydroxychloroquine Patents...



So if there is anything ya'll want to RESEARCH... go to UR favorite SEARCH, ie duckduckgo, or Search encrypt, or Mogeek, or Startpage.....etc., etc. and TYPE it in the BOX **PATENTS** for what ever it is... and Bingo, ya gets it!

And if "IT" has a Patent on IT it can NOT have anything made for nature in it!

And yaaa I know that they BREAK the LAW all the time, as the nature of the beast! But that would be another BRICK in their WALL of the CELLS!

US patent number Bayer Asperin google patent number - Brave Search


So it must be must NAMED like something form nature, processed, or NOT, so that the addicts will grin and want some of it injected in!

Just for a sugar HIGH!

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April 27, 2023
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I have all the quantities of materials in the jabs and have published them here on Substack. The redacted document you linked to is now redundant as it refers to the Phosphate buffer, not the current Tromethamine versions.

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April 27, 2023
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Thanks very much. Sugar is added to the jabs as “cryoprotectant”. Your patent link is useful pointing to possible chemistry that might happen when Sugar is injected.

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