Royal Commission into Covid19 in Australia
Fantastic News! Senator Malcom Roberts emailed me this afternoon while I was driving back from Canberra. Royal Commission terms of reference will be decided by committee.
What a lovely email awaited me after my visit to Canberra!
Hello Geoff,
The Senate has just approved my motion establishing an inquiry to report on recommended terms of reference for a COVID-19 Royal Commission.
This is a huge step towards getting a COVID-19 Royal Commission. Once the committee produces draft terms of reference it will be almost impossible for the Government to resist public pressure to call a Royal Commission.The core of this motion was to have the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References committee set the appropriate terms of reference for such a Royal Commission.
Their task? To ensure every voice, every stakeholder, and every person affected by the pandemic decisions, gets a chance to be heard.
The committee is to report back by 31 March 2024.
You will be able to have your say and make a submission to the committee. I'll be in touch soon with more information on how to do that.
This might be my motion, but this wouldn't have been possible without your voice and the pressure you've been putting on politicians to make sure there is accountability for the COVID mismanagement.
Thank you for your support, and I promise to continue doing everything I can to hound down those responsible.
Senator Malcolm Roberts
It must be very gratifying after all the work you’ve put in. I’ll share a small glass in your honour.
We now have the deadline for submissions to the Covid-19 Royal Commission Terms of Reference Inquiry.
Put your thinking caps on, sharpen your quills!