Robert Koch Institute PCR Primers for Detection of Endotoxin producing GMO Maize DNA
German experts developed PCR technique capable of detecting Australian approved GMO Maize DNA coding production of Lethal Endotoxin to act as built-in Insecticide
Found an interesting paper on the Robert Koch Institute when searching for Endotoxin(e). Here is the Abstract.
It is all about design of PCR Primers that can detect GMO Maize engineered with 3 sets of foreign DNA strands inserted to make the Food Crop toxic to certain insects, including one for production of Lethal delta-Endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis to act as a built-in Insectide.1
Here are their Primers:
The cry1Ab delta-Endotoxin2 is quite different to the E. coli deliberately added to Jabs like Pfizer BNT162b2.
The GMO Maize also contained Basta, a Phosphinothricin (also known as Glufosinate)3 resistance gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus
And the GMO Maize also contained Ampicillin4 resistance gene.
I am circulating this brief outline and will expand later as there is great current interest in GMO foods and their impact on the environment and Humans.
Topics will cover delta-Endotoxin mode of action, “off-target” poisining effects, development of resistance by the target insects, and any studies of effects on Humans.
Please let me know if other authors on Substack have written about this delta-Endotoxin created in GMO Foods.
B. Ehlers, E. Strauch, M. Goltz, D. Kubsch, H. Wagner, H. Maidhof, J. Bendiek, B. Appel und H.-J. Buhk. 1997. Nachweis gentechnischer Ver~inderungen in Mais mittels PCR.
Oscar Alzate, Craig F Hemann, Cristina Osorio, Russ Hille and Donald H Dean. 2009. Ser170 of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab δ-endotoxin becomes anchored in a hydrophobic moiety upon insertion of this protein into Manduca sexta brush border membranes. BMC Biochemistry 10:25
Thanks ! trying to avoid all chemical foods, very hard to do but we can try !