Pneumonia caused by Wuhan Covid19 involved Syncytia
The Furin Cleavage Site introduced to the SARS Coronavirus by the US Bioweapons labs causes Syncytia - the merging of your Lung cells to cause Viral Pneumonia
When the lungs of Covid19 patients with severe lung disease were analyzed histologically by researchers in China, many of them possessed multinucleate pneumocytes.1 This was Viral Pneumonia.
The PRRARS genetic code for the Furin Cleavage Site2, is the key.
This was also reported for subsequent variants. The mechanism is known at molecular level.3
Direct observation.
More imaging of Syncytia by Covid19 variant.
Meng and coworkers showed that “Syncytium formation by the Omicron spike was substantially impaired compared with the Delta spike”.4
a, Schematic of the cell–cell fusion assay. The schematic was created using b, Spike expression at the cell surface as determined by flow cytometry, showing the distribution of fluorescence intensity. The percentage of spike-positive cells is indicated. c, Reconstructed images of GFP+ syncytia at 16 h. d, Quantification of cell–cell fusion kinetics showing the percentage of the GFP+ area to the total cell area over time. WT, Wuhan-Hu-1 D614G. Data are mean ± s.e.m. from eight fields of views at each time point. Data are representative of at least two independent experiments. e, Three representative images of wells from 96-well plates with infection foci formed by Delta (top row) or Omicron (bottom row) live virus. Scale bars, 2 mm. f, Focus area as determined by ELISpot image analysis for Omicron (n = 111 wells) and Delta (n = 112 wells). Data are the geometric mean ± 95% CI. g, Focus number per well for the same experiments as in f. Data are the geometric mean ± 95% CI for focus number per well for Omicron and Delta infections. For f and g, statistical analysis was performed using two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum tests; ****P < 0.0001.
An excellent paper by Braga and coworkers, who examined the organs of 41 consecutive patients who died from COVID-19 in the period from March to May 2020 at the University Hospital in Trieste, Italy, includes videos of Syncytia formation and their testing of numerous drugs in and attempt to inhibit the identified mechanism involving TMEM16F (also known as anoctamin 6) and Calcium ion channels.5
Where else in the Human Body are Spike Induced Syncytia ?
See the excellent work previously published on this topic.6
If we define Syncytia as mutinucleated cells, then of course Red Blood Cells can’t be merged because they have no Nucleus.
But what happens in the Ovaries, another great Question already raised.7
Does fine tuning of Spike account for Relative Lethality
Thanks to John Smith for bringing this 2021 Cell Fusion paper8 to our attention (see comments).
That could help explain why AstraZeneca kills more people than Pfizer, which kills more people than Moderna.
October 2023 Update
In 2021 researchers from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut found that Syncytia can proceed via two routes “at low levels of S protein and may not be effectively prevented by antibodies.”9 Thanks to a Twitter user for pointing to this reference.
Lin L, et al. 2021. Syncytia formation during SARS-CoV-2 lung infection: a disastrous unity to eliminate lymphocytes.
Book Chapter. 2012. From Viruses to Genes: Syncytins. Philippe Pérot , Pierre-Adrien Bolze and François Mallet.
Meng B, et al. 2022. Altered TMPRSS2 usage by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron impacts infectivity and fusogenicity.
Braga L, et al. 2021. Drugs that inhibit TMEM16 proteins block SARS-CoV-2 spike-induced syncytia.
Lazebnik Y. 2021. Cell fusion as a link between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, COVID-19 complications, and vaccine side effects.
Theuerkauf SA, 2021. Quantitative assays reveal cell fusion at minimal levels of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and fusion from without.
ALC-0159 is in the Pfizer jabs.
This suggests that PEG can be shed from PEGylated lipids in vivo
This describes PEG vacuoles in cells associated with PEGylated biologicals.
But this was the paper that engendered the discussion.
This reminds me of an article from 2021, it didn't seem to get noticed much but does discuss syncytia.
Cell fusion as a link between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, COVID-19 complications, and vaccine side effects
Oncotarget. 2021; 12:2476-2488
Yuri Lazebnik
"Considering spike as an antigen might distract from the fact that the primary activity of this protein is to fuse biological membranes, which is why spike expressed in cells can fuse them into syncytia. This fact raises two questions that have yet to be asked despite all the attention and scrutiny that spike has received [80]. Does spike fuse any cells if expressed by the vaccines? And, does this fusion, should it occur, have any unwanted consequences?
Given that spike expressed by SARS-CoV-2 fuses cells in COVID-19 patients, [1, 2] that spike expressed by viral vectors or by transfection fuses human cells in the dish, [22, 81, 82] and that spike fuses cells even if expressed in undetectable amounts, [22] it is reasonable to presume, until proven otherwise, that spike does fuse some cells in the injected individuals."
" spike-induced cell fusion is pathogenic, as this commentary argues, then the unfortunate ranking of the AstraZeneca vaccine becomes predictable because it is the only out of the four vaccines that makes the wild type, fully fusogenic spike, [76, 92] delivering it with a vector optimized to express “very high levels” of the protein [93]."