Anecdotally I’ve also had success treating (the family)with another proteolytic enzyme, Serrapeptase for our spikeopathy.

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Found Serra more effective for nerve like pain. Was taking a combo with Natto after 1st infection...injection free.

Had electron microscope access. Blood clear Jan/ 22. Tested again after all the fearful ran for boosters and I fell ill for 5 days at Easter. Blood work was loaded with inflammatory markers, LDL,micro clots and....parasites. 200 mg ea of Serra and Natto 2× per day. Along with sweet wormwood parasite cleanse. 3 wks on, a week off and a repeat. July/22 blood clear.

Spikeopathy indeed.

Had to pay for a sarscov2 anti body test this month. Titers solid at 50%.

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Interesting. I have found nattokinase and serrapeptase both helpful but bromelain not really. That is better for congestion. And Wormwood products also are in my Go To kit.

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I Take Daily!

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What is your recommended dosing of Serrapeptase? Time released version?

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Serrapeptase 120,000 SU Daily On An Empty Stomach!

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Time released version? Dr mercola recommends TR version.

For how many months?

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Yes Delayed Release!

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Would Nattikinase Be Helpful In Cytokine Storm? Just A Thought!

Could Make It Worse Too Possibly?

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High doses of serrapeptase and nattokinase (on an empty stomach) before and after jab may destroy the COVID sludge post injection.

Also bolus dose of D3, with K1+K2, magnesium, zinc, selenium, to monkey wrench viral replication.

Not sure if this would inactivate the prions that were added or spontaneously generated during manufacture or storage or otherwise.

Drink plenty of water. Plenty.

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Nice List!

Add Glutathione, Quercetin, Silymarin, Methyl folate, B12, N-Acetyl-Cysteine/NAC, Iodine Is A Consideration Also Considering Dioxin & Phosgene Gas!

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Pending on general health, loading the body up with several antidotes can trigger transient symptom exacerbation. Best to stick with 3-4 and work up if not improving in the week.

I work with blood work indicators.

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Herxheimer Reaction.

Drink plenty of water. :)

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Great Point!

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Can Never Drink Enough Filtered Water!

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Too much of anything can be not good for you. ;)

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Nattokinase is an enzyme with a molecular weight of 27724.

It is said that only substances with a molecular weight of about 10,000 or less are absorbed from the intestine into the blood.

Therefore, some scholars say that it should not enter the blood,

Some scientists say it works in clinical trials.

Nattokinase (molecular weight about 28,000) is wrapped in α2Mglobulin (molecular weight 820,000),

Some scholars say that it is taken in while still having activity and is immunologically protected from allergic reactions.

In any case, the fibrinolytic system was enhanced (decomposition of normal fibrin thrombus) over 6 to 8 hours, but it is still unclear whether the amyloid thrombus itself formed by the pseudo-mRNA shot is dissolved.


The university that published this paper is not smart in Japan. So I think it's too early to trust them yet.

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Thanks for that information. I liked the structural characterization of the Nattokinase binding to TLR4, but will look for further hard science.

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Natto will smooth out micro clots formed following natural infection as well.

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Different actions. Good as combo in some indications.

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Is there any evidence showing an improvement with either serrapeptase or lumbrokinase? (Am allergic to soy)

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I prefer to avoid soy and my children have to avoid soy. I’ve found this brand has no soy contaminant in the capsules.


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I Was Concerned About The Estrogens In Soy!

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Supposedly, in fermented soy, the problem isn't there as much, but no reference at hand.

I like Mukimame (Edamame without hull) a lot and have eaten quite a bunch of it. Not grown boobs yet.

I figure some slight contamination as a remainder in some product should not be that much to worry about in that department - this topic seems a bit overblown.

For allergics to soy, it's a different story of course.

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That's Good It Is Low In Estrogen. If I Grew Boobs I'd Never Leave Home! :)

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Do you prefer nattokinase over serrapeptase? I read somewhere that nattokinase was more potent so I was wondering if serrapeptase might be safer to try.

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I Have Not Tried Nattokinase Yet!

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Not being exactly a biochemist, ... how would one go about estimating a useful dose for such substances?

In my country there's one maker of a liposomal form of the stuff, which seems to be all the rage w.r.t. making uptake of things better. It seems to contain 2% of NK and they recommend 10ml daily - with the aim of a nutrition supplement that, like the Japanese supposedly by eating Natto for breakfast, reducing the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks to occur.

Whether that's useful - no idea. They, in email conversation, hinted at giving tips to people w.r.t. usage to currently unexpectedly relevant ailments, but got ratted out for it and won't say anything anymore...

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One of our readers pointed out that Nattokinase has a large molecular weight, so how and even if, it is absorbed through the intestine is something I am going to investigate further.

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I Take It Every day from Now On!

Delayed Release & Time Release Same Thing!

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Serrapeptase 120,000 SU Daily On An Empty Stomach!

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Thank You For That! Amen

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