Sucharit Bhakdi, in agony because of what he saw, explained it all, in simple, convincing language, from the very beginning.

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Exchanged emails with Sucharit the other day. He is a very good communicator which led to his persecution.

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A lovely, good man.

I have no scientific knowledge whatsoever, though the last few years have educated me somewhat, but I know the truth when I hear it. I hope Dr Bhakdi knows how respected and valued he is.

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Utterly scary and horrific human malevolence! mRNA was touted as a great scientific breakthrough, with the promise of treating intractable diseases like HIV. But when you really think about it for a moment and give it critical light of day thought, you must ask an important and obvious question; how does turning our cells into viral antigens create immunity? Now we know, from ribosomal frame shifting that it causes neo-antigens which alert our complementary surveillance system to tag such cells as foreign viruses. Just disgraceful dystopian science to create disease states for profits.

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wicked and evil stuff of Nobel Prizes

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