EDTA injection Enthusiast shares his Experience
Fear mongering Fraudster promoting Graphene Oxide Fantasy in marketing intravenous EDTA bans me from her page for life. Here I share a more friendly communication from a regular user.
Following my recent article1 exposing Fraudulent claims that Graphene Oxide (GO)2 is in Covid jabs and can be removed by opening the veins of Dupes and injecting EDTA, I received some unsolicited emails.
I was blocked for life by a Fraudster after I, and other concerned citizens, posted links to Science of EDTA risks and Death.
One enthusiast took out a paid subscription to leave EDTA promotional comments on my Substack.
Reminder of what EDTA is.
Here I share unedited information from a regular EDTA user that I believe is genuine.
Note well: I am not suggesting this person is taking EDTA chelation as a result of being in fear of GO contamination from Covid19 jabs.3
Nor do I think he believes that jabbed people can “shed” GO to friends and family. I have not asked the medical reason he opens his veins to EDTA, although it appears he has circulation problems in his feet.
Note the amount he spends on the regular treatment.
Note well: I am definitely not offering medical advice by sharing this protocol.
The protocol my med. doc uses is as follows:
2 times a week I.V. drip for 2 hours ( Monday and Friday) with 1.5g EDTA in 500 ml saline solution.
100mg DMSA orally at the beginning of infusion.
( There are calculators on the net for correct amounts of EDTA in relation to body weight.)
100mg DMSA orally at the beginning of infusion.
After Chelation I.V. is finished 2gr Glutathione I.V. is given
( stops the tiredness after chelation effectively, very important)
Wednesday 10 to 20 gr Vit C IV , followed by 5mg Methylcobalmin i.m.
I did the protocol for 3 weeks ( 6 Chelation). I prefer to do 10 Chelation every 2 to 3 years.
Works for me and making my feet baby warm. Seem to clean my blood vessels.
I do it in India with my Doctor friend . A session EDTA cost 3000 Rp. ( 40 USD).
Glutathion is expensive in India . I bring my own. ( 2gr about 12 USD)
I guess this person is swallowing Succimer, the meso isomer of 2,3-dimethylmercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA).4
This person also is a fan of intravenous Vitamin C5 and Glutathione6 and large doses of intramuscular Methylcobalamin.7
In a future article I will present what is known about the toxicology of intravenous EDTA.