Can Pfizer Synthetic mRNA fragments enter your DNA?
Has Pfizer done experiments to rule out insertion of their synthetic Covid19 mRNA into the DNA of Human Jabbees or their Children or Grandchildren?
The answer is:
We Don’t Know and we don’t expect them to tell us if they have!
I am no expert in Genetics, although I have a paper published in 2011 in a leading journal in the field1 as a result of working in a Genetics laboratory owned by Professor Roger Dawkins. My colleagues were international experts including Professor Edward (Ted) Steele, his wife Dr Robyn Lindley plus a number of others who contributed to laboratory experiments, computational “in silico” genetics, animal husbandry, transplantation matching and evolutionary genetics. Fun times indeed!
Foreign mRNA to DNA when Sperm meets Egg
In 2008 Spadafora wrote about Sperm-mediated gene transfer (SMGT), a procedure through which new genetic traits are introduced in animals by exploiting the ability of Spermatozoa to take up exogenous DNA molecules and deliver them to oocytes at fertilization. In his model, the foreign RNA did not necessarily have to be incorporated into DNA in order to produce differences in offspring.2
In his model Exogenous RNA or DNA molecules bind to the DNA-binding proteins (DBP, blue) localized on the sperm surface, provided that the inhibitory factor (IF-1, red) does not interfere. The complex DNA/DBP interacts with CD4 (cluster of differentiation 4) molecules (green), is internalized in nuclei, dissociates at the level of the nuclear matrix, releasing the exogenous DNA molecules. Internalized DNA molecules are first transcribed to RNA and further reverse-transcribed to complementary DNA (cDNA) copies by the endogenous reverse transcriptase (RT)-containing retrotransposon machinery (brown oval). A small proportion of the resulting cDNA may eventually integrate into ‘accessible’ sites of the sperm chromatin. The vast majority of cDNA copies, after delivery to the oocytes at fertilization, propagate in tissues of the offspring as extrachromosomal structures. PM, plasma membrane; NM, nuclear membrane; IF-1, inhibitory factor 1.
A useful review of RNA transport in Sperm covers developments to 2019, reiterating the danger of birth defects. Sharma found some miRNAs (micro RNAs) and tRFs (fragments of the tRNA molecule) in sperm. The tRNA molecule has a distinctive folded structure with three hairpin loops that form the shape of a three-leafed clover. One of these hairpin loops contains a sequence called the anticodon, which can recognize and decode an mRNA codon. Each tRNA has its corresponding amino acid attached to its end. tRFs are also present in sperm tail, and piRNAs (piwi interacting RNAs) are relatively more enriched in sperm tail compared to sperm head.3
Making Transgenic animals with Sperm soaked in foreign DNA
Once it was discovered that Sperm can be used to deliver foreign DNA to the ovum, the floodgates to genetic modified life were opened via SMGT (Sperm-Mediated Gene Transfer) and Testis-Mediated Gene Transfer (TMGT).4
Note the used of Virus DNA Vectors as an option.
A great review of Retrotransposons
Always look for an expert review is my motto. Huge number of relevant papers have been published on foreign RNA incorporated into us. I found a good one to start with over 205 references that I will never find time to read. So let’s look at the picture the author constructed to argue that it is entirely feasible that Pfizer has damaged the DNA of hundreds of millions of people. Domazet-Lošo divides it into [A] how Long Interspersed Element-1 (LINE-1 or L1) retrotransposons, which are retrocopies about 6 kilobases long, are known to incorporate mRNA into DNA, [B] participate in alteration of protein coding genes and in panel [C], the Hypothetical jab mRNA retroposition when it reaches the nucleus. Domazet-Lošo points to the danger that the Pfizer mRNA could be epigenetically inherited via the sperm RNA cargo if the testis cells uptake LNPs or EVs containing jab mRNAs and if they end up in spermatozoa. Alternatively, during their functional maturation in epididymis, spermatozoa could potentially actively internalize vaccine mRNAs delivered by epididymal EVs.5
L1 elements show expression and retroposition activity in Testes, Spermatozoa, Ovaries, Oocytes and early Embryos. Domazet-Lošo says also should be considered an endogenous mutagen in somatic tissues including liver, spleen, adrenal glands, lungs, heart and brain, lymphoblastoid cell lines, platelets, megakaryocytes and T cells. They are also highly expressed in many human cancers.
There is a long original Figure caption including references that interested readers can find. Here is a summary of the essential points.
A] An active L1 element is transcribed in the nucleus and resulting L1 mRNA is transported to the cytoplasm where it undergoes translation and codes for ORF1 and ORF2 proteins which preferentially associate with L1 mRNA (cis-preference) to form L1 ribonucleoprotein particle (L1 RNP). ORF1p is an RNA binding protein with chaperone activity, while ORF2p functions as reverse transcriptase and endonuclease. L1 RNP, which contains at least L1 mRNA and ORF2p, enters the nucleus where L1 mRNA is reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome by the process of target-primed reverse transcription (TPRT). The retroposition mechanism relies on the binding of ORF2p to the L1 mRNA poly-A tail. Cells could uptake extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing L1 mRNA which can than undergo translation and retroposition.
B] L1-mediated retroposition of protein coding genes. A parental protein coding gene is transcribed in the nucleus. The resulting pre-mRNA is processed and mature parental gene mRNA is then transported to the cytoplasm. L1 proteins (ORF1p and ORF2p) interact with parental gene mRNA by trans-association to form parental gene ribonucleoprotein particle (parental gene RNP). The poly-A tail of parental gene mRNA plays the crucial role in reverse transcription and integration into the genome.
C] Hypothetical L1-mediated retroposition of vaccine mRNA. Vaccine mRNA formulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) enter the cell by endocytosis. A fraction of vaccine mRNA enters the cytosol via endosomal escape, the rest of vaccine mRNA undergoes degradation in endosomes, or is repackaged in multivesicular endosomes into extracellular vesicles (EVs) and secreted back into the extracellular space. The neighboring or distant cells can uptake vaccine mRNA from these EVs. As in [B], L1 proteins (ORF1p and ORF2p) interact with vaccine mRNA by the trans-association to form vaccine mRNA ribonucleoprotein particle (vaccine mRNA RNP). Like L1 and parental gene RNPs, vaccine mRNA RNP enters the nucleus whereby the TPRT process vaccine mRNA is reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome. The poly-A tail of vaccine mRNA plays the crucial role in this process.
Pfizer designed their mRNA to evade immunity
Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine contains a 4,284-nucleotide long synthetic mRNA molecule that contains N1-methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ), a modified nucleoside that substitutes naturally occurring uridine that reduces innate immune response to exogenous mRNA molecules and enhances their translation.
BNT162b2 mRNA consists of a 5’ cap analogue, a 5' untranslated region, a codon-optimized SARS-CoV-2 spike protein coding sequence, a 3' untranslated region and a 110-nucleotide poly-A tail which is known to be required for L1-mediated retroposition. The poly-A tail contains a 10 nucleotides long linker sequence that is flanked by 30 and 70 nucleotides long adenosine tracts.
Domazet-Lošo calculated that in a single 30μg BNT162b2 dose there are around 1.3 x E13 synthetic mRNA molecules and ignoring loss of jab mRNAs on route to the cytosol, and assuming homogenous distribution among roughly 3 x E12 nucleated cells in the human body, then every nucleated cell could receive about 26 mRNA copies!
After endocytosis, LNPs containing mRNA are repackaged in late endosomes and secreted back into extracellular space as small extracellular vesicles (EVs) which are less visible than LNPs to innate immunity mechanisms and pass through the vascular endothelium and the extracellular matrix.
Covid19 mRNA enters the Nucleus
Zhang et al. analyzed Human cell DNA from people who had been infected by Covid19 and found target site duplications flanking the viral sequences and consensus LINE1 endonuclease recognition sequences at the integration sites in 7 chromosomes, consistent with a LINE1 retrotransposon mediated, target-primed reverse transcription and retroposition mechanism. They also found, in some patient-derived tissues, evidence suggesting that a large fraction of the viral sequences is transcribed from integrated DNA copies of viral sequences, generating viral–host chimeric transcripts. This could explain detection of viral RNA by PCR in patients after infection and clinical recovery.
Fragments of mRNAs closer to the 3' untranslated end of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, including spike mRNA, are more frequently integrated into the cell DNA than the sequences closer to the 5' end.6
Here is part of a figure from Zhang et al. showing the Human-Covid19-Human chimeric DNA sequence experiment where a 1662 base pair from the virus (Pink, not the Pfizer paid pop star) is incorporated into Human DNA (blue).
The LINE-1 endonuclease recognition sequence is shown in black.
The research of Zhang is placed in context of earlier studies of Chimpanzee Adenovirus in a paper by Walter Doerfler, who basically admits the whole Covid19 jab effort is an unprecedented experiment.7
Update October 2023
I was alerted to an earlier Substack from October 2022 that provides further details on the Jab mRNA interactions with the cell nucleus.
Important paper from 2015 by Mittra and coworkers demonstrated easy entry of DNA fragments into healthy cells and incorporation into the DNA in chromosomes.8
Their Figure 6 shows how this happens:
I have modified their caption to clarify acronyms.
Schematic representation of proposed model of DNA damage.
Intra-nuclear DNA Fragments (DNAfs) and Chromatin Fragments (Cfs) associate themselves with host cell chromosomes to evoke a cellular DNA-Damage-Repair-response (DDR) followed by their incorporation into the host cell genomes. NHEJ = Non-Homologous End-Joining; HR = Homologous Recombination; NHR = Non-Homologous Recombination.
Lovely new article from my Australian friend Arkmedic covering lots of developments over the last 7 months including the monumental effort by Kevin McKernan, reproduced now in at least 5 independent labs, measuring the amount of DNA and RNA contamination in the jabs given to billions.
Playing with Nature will only result in catastrophe, in ways we will discover as Children and subsequent generations from mRNA jabbees are found to inherit harms.
Genesis of ancestral haplotypes: RNA modifications and reverse transcription–mediated polymorphisms.
Spadafora, C. 2008. Sperm-mediated ‘reverse’ gene transfer: a role of reverse transcriptase in the generation of new genetic information.
Sharma U.
Smith, KR, Editor. Sperm-Mediated Gene Transfer: Concepts and Controversies.
Domazet-Lošo, T. mRNA vaccines: Why is the biology of retroposition ignored?
Zhang L, Richards A, Barrasa MI, Hughes SH, Young RA, Jaenisch R. Reverse transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2021 May 25; 118(21):e2105968118.
Doerfler W. 2021. Adenoviral Vector DNA- and SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccines: Possible Integration into the Human Genome - Are Adenoviral Genes Expressed in Vector-based Vaccines?
Mittra I, et al. 2015. Circulating nucleic acids damage DNA of healthy cells by integrating into their genomes.
unvaxxecd sperm could become equivalent in value to tulips in Holland (tulip mania). Would be interesting to know the % increase in birth defects or other genetic abnormalities in the vaccinated children, there is data on cancers. Would need a technique to tease out the cause of chromosome damage, spike, endotoxin, DNA etc Or maybe check sperm DNA of more heavily vaxxed males comparing nMRA to adenovirus vaccinees. Informed consent NOT